【应用笔记】AN532:使用GUI界面进行SOPC Builder PCI Express设计(AN 532: An SOPC Builder PCI Express Design with GUI Interface)
本应用笔记教你如何创建一个包含PCI Express MegaCore功能模块的SOPC Builder系统,并将其下载到开发板。
This application note teaches you how to build an SOPC Builder system
that includes a PCI Express MegaCore function and download it to a
development board. This application note builds on the concepts
discussed in the design example found in the PCI Express Compiler User
Guide. The design includes a GUI that you can use to specify reads, writes,
and loopback commands to exercise the PCI Express bus. You can also use
this GUI to read PCIe configuration registers. You can observe PCIe traffic
in the GUI’s Display Window.an532.pdf
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【应用笔记】AN532:使用GUI界面进行SOPC Builder PCI Express设计(AN 532: An SOPC Builder PCI Expr
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