library IEEE;
entity ps2_1 is
Port ( CLK, RST, KD, KC: in std_logic;
an: out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
sseg: out std_logic_vector (6 downto 0));
end ps2_1;
architecture Behavioral of ps2_1 is
-- Component Declarations
-- Signal Declarations
signal clkDiv : std_logic_vector (12 downto 0);
signal sclk, pclk : std_logic;
signal KDI, KCI : std_logic;
signal DFF1, DFF2 : std_logic;
signal shiftRegSig1: std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
signal shiftRegSig2: std_logic_vector(10 downto 1);
signal MUXOUT: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
signal WaitReg: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
-- Module Implementation
--Divide the master clock down to a lower frequency--
CLKDivider: Process (CLK)
if (CLK = '1' and CLK'Event) then
clkDiv <= clkDiv +1;
end if;
end Process;
sclk <= clkDiv(12);
pclk <= clkDiv(3);
--Flip Flops used to condition siglans coming from PS2--
Process (pclk, RST, KC, KD)
if(RST = '0') then
DFF1 <= '0'; DFF2 <= '0'; KDI <= '0'; KCI <= '0';
if (pclk = '1' and pclk'Event) then
DFF1 <= KD; KDI <= DFF1; DFF2 <= KC; KCI <= DFF2;
end if;
end if;
end process;
--Shift Registers used to clock in scan codes from PS2--
Process(KDI, KCI, RST) --DFF2 carries KD and DFF4, and DFF4 carries KC
if (RST = '0') then
ShiftRegSig1 <= "00000000000";
ShiftRegSig2 <= "0000000000";
if (KCI = '0' and KCI'Event) then
ShiftRegSig1(10 downto 0) <= KDI & ShiftRegSig1(10 downto 1);
ShiftRegSig2(10 downto 1) <= ShiftRegSig1(0) & ShiftRegSig2(10 downto 2);
end if;
end if;
end process;
--Wait Register
process(ShiftRegSig1, ShiftRegSig2, RST, KCI)
if(RST = '0')then
WaitReg <= "00000000";
if(KCI'event and KCI = '1' and ShiftRegSig2(8 downto 1) = "11110000")then
WaitReg <= ShiftRegSig1(8 downto 1);
end if;
end if;
end Process;
MUXOUT <= WaitReg(7 downto 4) when sclk = '1' else
WaitReg(3 downto 0);
--Seven Segment Decoder--
sseg <= "1000000" when MUXOUT = "0000" else
"1111001" when MUXOUT = "0001" else
"0100100" when MUXOUT = "0010" else
"0110000" when MUXOUT = "0011" else
"0011001" when MUXOUT = "0100" else
"0010010" when MUXOUT = "0101" else
"0000010" when MUXOUT = "0110" else
"1111000" when MUXOUT = "0111" else
"0000000" when MUXOUT = "1000" else
"0010000" when MUXOUT = "1001" else
"0001000" when MUXOUT = "1010" else
"0000011" when MUXOUT = "1011" else
"1000110" when MUXOUT = "1100" else
"0100001" when MUXOUT = "1101" else
"0000110" when MUXOUT = "1110" else
"0001110" when MUXOUT = "1111" else
--Anode Driver--
an(3) <= '1'; an(2) <= '1'; --disable first two seven-segment decoders.
an(1 downto 0) <= "10" when sclk = '1' else "01";
end Behavioral;