在 Win 2000 的 FAT32文件系统的情况下,分区大小在 2GB~8GB 时簇的大小为 4KB;分区大小在 8GB~16GB时簇的大小为 8KB;分区大小在 16GB~32GB 时,簇的大小则达到了 16KB。而 Win 2000的 NTFS 文件系统,当分区的大小在 2GB 以下时,簇的大小都比相应的 FAT32 簇小;当分区的大小在 2GB 以上时(2GB~2TB),簇的大小都为 4KB。相比之下,NTFS 可以比 FAT32 更有效地管理磁盘空间,最大限度地避免了磁盘空间的浪费。
在 Win 2000 的 FAT32文件系统的情况下,分区大小在 2GB~8GB 时簇的大小为 4KB;分区大小在 8GB~16GB时簇的大小为 8KB;分区大小在 16GB~32GB 时,簇的大小则达到了 16KB。而 Win 2000的 NTFS 文件系统,当分区的大小在 2GB 以下时,簇的大小都比相应的 FAT32 簇小;当分区的大小在 2GB 以上时(2GB~2TB),簇的大小都为 4KB。相比之下,NTFS 可以比 FAT32 更有效地管理磁盘空间,最大限度地避免了磁盘空间的浪费。
Only hosts that are compliant to the Physical Layer Specification Version 2.00 or later and the File
System Specification Ve r2.00 or higher can access High Capacity SD Memory Cards and Extended
Capacity SD Memory Cards. Other hosts fail to initialize High Capacity SD Memory Cards and
Extended Capacity SD Memory Cards.
Only hosts that are compliant to the Physical Layer Specification Version 3.00 or higher and the File
System Specification Ve r2.00 or higher can access High Capacity SD Memory Cards and Extended
Capacity SD Memory Cards. Other hosts fail to initialize High Capacity SD Memory Cards and
Extended Capacity SD Memory Cards.
Only hosts that are compliant to the Physical Layer Specification Version 3.00 or higher and the File
System Specification Ver3.00 or later (exFAT supported) can access Extended Capacity SD Memory.
High Capacity SD Memory Card (SDHC) : More than 2GB and up to and including 32GB
Extended Capacity SD Memory Card (SDXC): More than 32GB and up to and including 2TB
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