渔猎PCB官方视频教程: 原理图设计深入a 原理图设计深入b
1. 多页设计时的网络连接
(1) 使用网络标识符
(2) 设置网络表示符的作用范围
Project-->Project Options-->Options-->Net Identifier Scope
flat – ports connect globally across all sheets throughout the design.
global – ports and net labels connect across all sheets throughout the design.
hierarchical (sheet entry/port connections) – connect vertically between a port and the matching sheet entry.
The automatic mode automatically selects which of the three net identifier modes to use, based on the following criteria: if there are sheet entries on the top sheet, then Hierarchical is used; if there are no sheet entries, but there are ports present, then Flat is used; if there are no sheet entries and no ports, then Global is used.
2. 层次设计
放置Sheet Symbol 的几种方法:
(1) 工具栏快捷键
(2) Place-->Sheet Symbol
(3) 右键--> Place—>Sheet Symbol
(4) P-->S
3. 由Sheet Symbol创建对应的原理图
选中要创建原理图的Sheet Symbol右键--->Sheet Symbol Actions--->Create Sheet From Sheet Symbol
4. 检查Sheet Symbol Entry 与SubSheet 端口是否一致
Design--->Synchronize Sheet Entry and Ports
5. 自底向上进行层次设计
由subsheet创建Sheet Symbol:右键--->Sheet Actions--->Create Sheet Symbol From Sheet Or HDL
6. 生成保持逻辑关系的原理图PDF文档
File--->Smart PDF--->Current Project--->Choose Project File(选择包含的文件)。按向导一步一步的设置。