To import your new library part to PCAD / ACCEL:
1. Start the Library Manager.
2. Select "Library" from the menu at the top of the screen.
3. Select "Translate"
4. Select the source file as the one we have sent you.
5. Specify where you would like to store the destination file.
6. Select the source Format as "PCAD ASCII".
7. Selcet the destination as "PCAD Binary"
8. Translate.
You may want to move the individual footprints,components and
symbols to a larger library. This can be done with the
"Library"/"Copy" command at the top of the screen.
To import your new library parts into Protel DXP:
1. Start Protel DXP.
2. Select File/New/PCB Library.
3. Select File/Import
4. Browse to the included *.lia ile and select it.
在应用上面的步骤时,打开AD之后,新建PCB Library,再操作第三步的时候 File/Import,实际上就是要打开刚刚要转化的库元件。也就是File/open...这样找到*。lia文件,按照操作就可以把库元件导入到AD中了。