A型显示器(距离显示器) | A scope(range indicator) |
交流二极管充电 | A.C. diode charging |
交流阻抗 | A.C. impedance |
交流谐振充电 | A.C. resonant charging |
A/R型显示器 | A/R scope |
电枢控制 | Aarmature control |
绝对误差 | Absolute error |
吸收性复盖层 | Absorbent overlay(coverage) |
减震器 | Absorber |
吸收式衰减器 | Absorptive attenuator |
交流控制系统 | AC control system |
加速度信息 | Acceleration information |
附件 | Accessory |
捕捉目标试验 | Acquisition object test |
截获概率试验 | Acquisition probability test |
低仰角截获试验 | Acquisition test at the lowest elevation |
有源滤波器 | Active filter |
有源校正网络 | Active corrective network |
有源干扰 | Active jamming |
阵列单元的有效阻抗 | Active-impedance of an array element |
执行元件 | Actuator(driving) element |
自适应天线 | Adaptive antenna |
自适应天线系统 | Adaptive antenna system |
自适应能力 | Adaptive capability |
自适应检测器 | Adaptive detector |
自适应跳频 | Adaptive frequency hopping |
自适应干扰机 | Adaptive jammer |
自适应动目标显示 | Adaptive MTI |
加法器 | Adder |
导纳 | Admittance |
气悬体干扰 | Aerosol jamming |
通风车 | Air blower carriage |
空气滤渍器 | Air filter |
空中交通管制雷达 | Air traffic control radar |
机载引导雷达 | Airborne director radar |
机载动目标显示 | Airborne MTI |
机载雷达 | Airborne radar |
机载测距雷达 | Airborne range-finding radar |
机载警戒雷达 | Airborne warning radar |
机载截击雷达 | Airborne-intercept radar |
空心偏转线圈 | Air-core deflection coil |
护尾雷达 | Aircraft tail warning radar(ATWR) |
飞机跟踪试验 | Aircraft tracking test |
全空域录取 | All-zone extraction |
换批 | Alternate the batch number |
调幅干扰 | AM jamming |
调幅调相转换 | AM/PM conversion |
模糊函数 | Ambiguity function |
模糊图 | Ambiguity pattern |
衰减量 | Amount of attenuation |
放大器 | Amplifier |
放大元件 | Amplifier element |
增幅管 | Amplitron |
幅度鉴别恒虚警技术 | Amplitude discrimination CFAR technique |
幅裕度 | Amplitude margin |
幅度噪声 | Amplitude noise |
幅度方向图 | Amplitude pattern |
振幅量化 | Amplitude quantization |
分层 | Amplitude quantizing |
比幅单脉冲雷达 | Amplitude-comparison monopulse radar |
幅频特性 | Amplitude-frequency characteristic |
幅频一致性 | Amplitude-frequency equalization |
调幅信号 | Amplitude-modulated signal |
幅值-相位仪 | Amplitude-phase meter |
模拟移相器 | Analog phase shifter |
信号的模拟处理 | Analog processing of signal |
模拟信号 | Analog signal |
模拟式扫描(连续式扫描) | Analog sweep |
模-数变换 | Analog-to-digital conversion |
模拟显示 | Analogue display |
模拟测距 | Analogue ranging |
频率分析法 | Analysis method of frequency domain |
解析信号 | Analytic signal |
角度欺骗干扰 | Angle deception jamming |
角度截获概率 | Angle intercept probability |
角度噪声 | Angle noise |
跟踪角速度和角加速度 | Angle tracking velocity and acceleration |
角闪烁误差 | Angular glint error |
角增量正余弦函数运算器 | Angular increment sine-cosine arithmetic unit |
天线 | Antenna |
天线抗干扰技术 | Antenna anti-jamming technique |
天线回零装置 | Antenna back device |
天线控制系统 | Antenna control system |
孔径型天线的天线效率 | Antenna efficiency of an aperture-type antenna |
天线电轴 | Antenna electrical boresight |
天线升降机构 | Antenna elevating subsiding machine |
天线增益 | Antenna gain |
天线裹冰厚度 | Antenna icing depth |
天线锁定装置 | Antenna locking device |
天线方向图 | Antenna pattern |
天线波瓣自动记录仪 | Antenna pattern automatic recorder |
天线座 | Antenna pedestal |
天线指向 | Antenna pointing |
天线功率增益 | Antenna power gain |
天线读数机构 | Antenna reading device |
天线风洞试验 | Antenna test in tunnel |
天线测试转台 | Antenna test turning platform |
天线拖车 | Antenna trailer |
抗有源干扰能力 | Anti-active jamming capability |
抗轰炸能力 | Anti-bomb capability |
抗海浪试验 | Anti-clutter test against the sea |
防撞信息 | Anticollision information |
防撞雷达 | Anti-collision radar |
抗干扰试验 | Anti-jamming test |
抗无源干扰能力 | Anti-passive jamming capability |
反雷达伪装 | Anti-radar camouflage |
反雷达复盖层 | Anti-radar overlay(coverage) |
反辐射导弹 | Anti-radiation missile |
抗饱和 | Anti-saturation |
抗风能力 | Anti-wind capability |
口面阻挡损失 | Aperture blockage loss |
口面照射效率 | Aperture illumination efficiency |
区域杂波开关 | Area clutter switch |
区域动目标显示 | Area moving-target indication |
阵列天线 | Array antenna |
人工线(脉冲形成网络) | Artificial line(pulse form network) |
人工空间电离干扰 | Artificial space ionization jamming |
炮兵侦察校射雷达 | Artillery target-search and gun-pointing adjustment radar |
随机仪表 | Associated instrumentation |
天文雷达 | Astronomical radar |
大气吸收损耗 | Atmospheric absorption loss |
天电干扰 | Atmospheric interference |
气压开关 | Atmospheric pressure switch |
大气折射误差 | Atmospheric refraction error |
衰减 | Attenuation |
衰减常数 | Attenuation constant |
衰减器 | Attenuator |
姿态线 | Attitude line |
自相关函数 | Autocorrelaton function |
自相关器 | Auto-correlator |
相控阵组件的自动检查装置 | Automatic check device for array elements |
自动控制系统 | Automatic control system |
自动检测 | Automatic detection |
自动录取 | Automatic extraction |
自动录取设备 | Automatic Extractor |
自频调系统的捕捉带宽 | Automatic frequency control system pull-in bandwidth |
自频调系统的跟踪带宽 | Automatic frequency control system tracking bandwidth |
自动频率控制 | Automatic frequency control(AFC) |
自动增益控制 | Automatic gain control (AGC) |
自动增益控制 | Automatic gain control (AGC) |
自动噪声电平调整 | Automatic noise leveling (ANL) |
自动相位控制 | Automatic phase control |
自动改批 | Automatically change the batch number |
自动编批 | Automatically order the batch number |
自主显示器 | Autonomous indicator |
辅助偏转线圈 | Auxiliary deflection coil |
辅助偏转板 | Auxiliary deflection plates |
有效性 | Availability |
平均功率 | Average power |
轴向偏焦 | Axial offset-focus |
轴比 | Axial ratio |
轴系精度 | Axis train precision |
方位轴 | Azimuth axis |
方位驱动装置 | Azimuth drive device |
方位编码器 | Azimuth encoder |
方位信息 | Azimuth information |
方位大齿轮 | Azimuth main drive gear |
方位分辨率 | Azimuth resolution |
方位同步传动装置 | Azimuth transmitting selsyn device |
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关键词: 雷达 中英文
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