传说中的512版本出来了.哈哈 赶紧下载,和谐照旧.
1, This MDK version introduces support for ARM Cortex-M7 processor based devices.
2This MDK release contains two ARM Compiler versions that can be selected in the dialog Project - Options for Target - Target (under Code Generation):
ARM Compiler 5.05 (build 41) (in directory ..\ARM\ARMCC\) with support for Cortex-M7 and other enhancements (see release notes).
ARM Compiler 5.04u2 (build 82) (in directory ..\ARM\ARMCC_504u2\) for safety critical applications in combination with the ARM Compiler Qualification Kit (only available with a license for MDK-Professional).
此版本引入了2个arm编译器, 在项目配置中,可以通过下拉选择;
3 Enhanced performance in the Project View and new file, group, and component attributes.
工程显示 菜单,组件的更新.
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