昨天有看到风语者在问3脚轴要不要加钢板的问题,在做了回复之后实然想到钢板选择也是个重要问题啊,因为我此次项目的供应商提供的轴是3脚轴,而根据论坛里的巨巨们的经验,3脚轴是要一定要加钢板的。然后本人在论坛里搜寻一下,没有钢板的介绍,故在这里班门弄斧,借花献佛,给大家做个简要说明,以使大家少走弯路。 |
Layouts and plates
Here are some possible layouts, rendered with my case design and toxic green caps theme:
ANSI 1.25x - Poker
ANSI 1.25x with short R-Shift - Pure
ANSI 1.5x - full 1.5x mod, WKL, or HHKB
ANSI 1.5x with short R-shift - full 1.5x mod, WKL, or "true" HHKB
ANSI 1.5x with short R-shift and split backspace - full 1.5x mod, WKL, or "true" HHKB
ISO 1.25x
ISO 1.5x - full 1.5x mod, WKL, or HHKB
ISO 1.5x with short R-shift - full 1.5x mod, WKL, or HHKB
IvanIvanovich (CANCELED)
GH60 (max keys)
Each of the layouts above will have their own plates (except WKL and HHKB, these just use any 1.5x plate), compatible with all 3 types of stabilizers. In addition, there will be 2 more “universal” plates available. These plates’ main feature is the support for any possible hybrid layout from above. You’ll also be able to completely change layout using the same plate, by desoldering only a few switches and shifting them over (or adding/subtracting switches) rather than desoldering all switches and installing a new plate. You’ll still be able to open up switch top covers like all the other plates. The drawback is that you must use PCB-mounted cherry stabilizers, no other stabilizers option. And although plate-mounted cherry switches should be sufficient, it’s recommended you use PCB-mounted switches for the ones that go in the larger cutout holes.
Universal ANSI
Universal ISO
Universal 10x spacebar (special order)
此文的原始链接为:https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=41464.0, 因源于网络,故不设置积分下载,亦不设置回复可见,只愿大家分享经验,不要据为己有。 |
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关键词: 紧急 钢板 键盘DIY kbdiy
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