最近拿到了chipKIT的WF32开发板——一款基于Arduino原型设计的开发板,搭载了MIPS内核的microchip PIC32微处理器,开发环境可以使用Arduino IDE,而仅仅扩展一下插件即可。
“ The latest release of Arduino IDE (v1.6.8) has introduced a problem that prevents sketches from running on many chipKIT boards, in addition to some Arduino boards. It appears that any board using an FTDI chip for serial bootloader communications is adversely affected. ”上面的大致意思就是,基于FTDI公司的USB转串口芯片的设计方案的开发板在Arduino 1.6.8版本上均出现了致命bug,即无法上传程序到开发板。
其实解决的办法也非常简单,那就是 使用 Arduino IDE v1.6.7 ~~~