我按照先执行改目录下的torvars.bat,然后切换到bsp的目录下执行:make bootrom_uncmp,然后再在该目录下执行:mkboot a: bootrom_ucnmp然后就出现这种情况。这个问题困扰我2天了。请高手指点。
E:\Tornado2.2\target\config\pcPentium>mkboot a:bootrom_uncmp
Usage: mkboot drive: bootfile (e.g. mkboot a: bootrom.bin)
Installs VxWorks boot sector on drive, and copies over bootfile
as boot image BOOTROM.SYS. If the bootrom file is named bootrom.dat
as documented in older literature, then the file is assumed to be
an object module and is converted to binary before copied.
Note: BOOTROM.SYS must be contiguous or the boot will fail. This can
be verified with CHKDSK.
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