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专访OCP总裁Dr. Tran V. Muoi

客人:Tran V. Muoi博士在光通信行业有超过26年工作经验。从1994年开始他担任OCP公司CEO。他也是1991年时OCP的创始人之一。 1984年到1991年他在PCO, Inc. (PlessCor Optronics Inc.)担任开发主管等多个职位。再早他在 TRW 公司工作。从1978年到1981年他在贝尔实验室工作。Muoi博士在西澳大利亚大学获得博士学位。
CFOL: OCP公司将在11月4日公布本财年财务报告?OCP公司最近情况如何?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi : 由于上市公司的财务规章,我在这里不能透露太多。一般来说我们是一个财务很健康的公司。
(根据OCP公司4季度财务报告,9月30日结束的这一季度销售额890万美元,比上季度减少9.4%, 利润85.9万,比上季度亏损26.5万大大改善)
CFOL: 我们注意到OCP最近推出系列长距离光收发模块产品,还有Transponder和CWDM光模块。OCP最近还收购了并行模块公司Cielo。 您如何看待光收发模块的发展趋势?会有比SFF光模块更小的模块吗?您又如何看待并行模块的发展呢?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi : 我认为光收发模块的技术趋势应当是长距离,更小型,可插拔还要并行化。为了做到更小,并行模块应该是重要的发展趋势。Cielo在1300nm 长波长VCSEL器件方面技术非常先进,他们同时拥有并行模块技术。那是我们收购他们的主要原因。我们将会发展一些长距离的并行模块产品。
Dr. Tran V. Muoi : 我认为这是不同的商业模型。收购Cielo之后,我们也拥有了自己的芯片制造能力。当时机合适的时候我们会制造芯片的。
CFOL: 去年第一次见到您的时候是您来中山参加中山光通信研讨会。您是如何看待中国市场的?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :我希望能有更多的机会来中国。我相信中国市场是非常有希望的。
CFOL: 相对于OCP在全球的市场,中国市场占有一个怎样的份额?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :现在还不是很大。我希望中国市场能有更好的成就。这就是我来中国的原因。
CFOL: 在您看来,谁是OCP在中国的竞争对手?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :我想在中国的竞争对手同我们在世界其他地方碰到的竞争对手也都一样。您也知道这些公司的名字。对于那些本地公司,我想未来他们会给予我们更多的威胁。但是OCP已经有很长的历史,有非常先进的技术,非常好的产品,非常好的财务背景。我相信我们不怕我们的竞争对手。
CFOL: 您对您的经历以及OCP的背景做个介绍吗?OCP是什么意思呢?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :我在澳洲念的大学,先在贝尔实验室工作,然后到TRW电子研究中心。后来我加入PCO公司,这是一家开发光模块和通信子系统的公司。可能由于市场当时还不成熟吧,这家公司1991年关闭,然后我们就创立了OCP公司。我们当时觉得这个技术有希望。OCP公司1991年成立,但是我们取得大发展是在1997年。那一年我们一种独特的封装获得了市场的很大成功。
CFOL: 您认为市场什么时候会复苏?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :这的确是一个非常普遍的关心。实际上我对于这个问题不是太关心。有些公司烧钱的速度非常快,所以他们会关心什么时候市场复苏。OCP拥有非常好的财务状况,我们只关心如何获得更大的市场份额,如何开发更多的产品。
CFOL: OCP有转产到中国或者亚洲地区的计划吗?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :我们以外的确有过这个计划。那是两年前。但是市场变得不景气后,这个工作就停了。现在我们又开始重新考虑。这或许会在中国。但是你要知道,转产到亚洲并不意味着成本的自动降低。我们还得做很多的工作。
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :加星是一家非常好的公司。我们已经有了很长久的合作。我希望我们的合作在未来会发展更好。
ComStar 董事总经理黄良森先生:
A visit to Dr. Tran V. Muoi President &CEO of OCP
Guest: Dr. Muoi has over 26 years experience in the field of Fiber optics. He has been President & CEO of OCP since 1994, and was one of the Cofounders in 1991. His previous experience includes Director of RD&E, VP of RD&E and Systems Business Unit Manager at PCO, Inc. (PlessCor Optronics Inc.) from 1984 to 1991. Prior to this he was a Member of the Technical Staff at TRW ElectroOptic Research Center from 1981 to 1984 and a Member of the Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories from 1978 to 1981.
Dr. Muoi has a Ph.D. from the University of Western Australia.
Interviewer: Chief editor of CFOL, Top fiber optics website in China.
CFOL: According to OCP’s website, you will publish the financial information of this fiscal year in Nov.4, How about OCP’s recent situation? Can you give a little information first?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi : I cannot comment on the financial information since it is restricted by US Security Exchange Commission. Generally speaking, we are a financial healthy company. We now have business in many areas of communication.
(According to financial report published on Nov.4, Revenue for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002 was $8.9 million, a sequential decrease of 9.4% from revenue of $9.8 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2002. The net income for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002 was $859,000 compared to a net loss of $265,000 for the third quarter of fiscal 2002 )
CFOL: I noticed that OCP have introduced series long distance transceiver/transponder,CWDM transceivers, also OCP have just purchased Cielo, a parallel link transceiver company. How do you think of the developing trend of transceiver? Can Transceiver be smaller than a SFF transceiver? How do you think of the future of parallel module?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :I think the technology trend of transceivers will include long distance,
smaller and smaller, pluggable, and parallel array module. To get smaller, parallel array module is an important trend. Cielo has advanced technology in 1300 nm long wave VCSELs, they are also working in the parallel array module applications. That is the main reason we purchased them.
We will try to let parallel module transmit longer distance and have more applications.
CFOL: China also have many transceiver companies, all of them have a plan to developed their own chip and Tosa/Rosa. How do you think of the key competing ability for a pure transceiver manufacture like OCP?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :It depends on different business models. After purchasing Cielo, we started to possess some chip manufacturing capability, when the time is right, we will manufacture chips.
CFOL: Last year you come to Zhongshan for a fiberoptics seminar, Would you come to Zhongshan this year again? How do you think of the position of China market?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :I hope to come to China more often, I really think China market is a promising market.
CFOL: How about the share of China market compared to the total market of OCP around the world?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :It is not big now, but we hope to increase this. That’s why you see me coming here.
CFOL: According to your view, who are your major competitors in China market?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :In China, I think the competitors are still those we are facing around the world, you definitely know who I am talking about. For those local companies, I think they will give us more and more threats in the future. But as OCP has long history, advanced technology, good products, strong financial background, we think that we will do well against our competitors.
CFOL: Can you introduce a little about your background and the history of OCP? What is OCP’s aim?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :I graduated from Australia. After some years of work in Bell labs and TRW Electroptic Reasearch Center , I joined PCO, which developed optical modules and systems for fiber optic communications . Maybe because the market is not mature enough, PCO closed down in 1991. Then we founded OCP. It is in 1997 that OCP got a great growth. In that year we developed a kind of special package in the industry.
CFOL: From your point of view, How do you think of the market recovery?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :Yes, this is a very common question. In fact, I am not too concerned about that question. Some companies are burning out money quickly, so they care about when market can recover. OCP has a very strong financial situation, we only focus on getting more market share as well as developing more products.
CFOL: Do you have any plan to transfer some manufacturing to Asia?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :Yes, we once had that plan. Two years ago, we did look for a manufacturing plant in Asia. After the market slowed down, this work stopped. Now we are considering this again. I may be in China. But you should remember, transferring to Asia do not automatically mean cost reduction. You have to do it properly to achieve lower manufacturing cost.
CFOL: Can you review the cooperation with ComStar?
Dr. Tran V. Muoi :Comstar is a very good company, we have a long history of cooperation, and I hope this cooperation will be better in the future.
关键词: 专访 总裁 公司 我们 模块 非常 中国 市场 t
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