《mastering STM32》
I Introduction
1. Introduction to STM32 MCU Portfolio
2. Setting-Up the Tool-Chain
3. Hello, Nucleo!
4. STM32CubeMX Tool
5. Introduction to Debugging
II Diving into the HAL
6. GPIO Management
7. Interrupts Management
8. Universal Asynchronous Serial Communications
9. DMA Management
10. Clock Tree
11. Timers
12. Analog-To-Digital Conversion
13. Digital-To-Analog Conversion
14. I²C
15. SPI
III Advanced topics
16. Power Management
17. Memory layout
18. Flash Memory Management
19. Booting Process
20. Running FreeRTOS
21. Advanced Debugging Techniques
22. Getting Started With a New Design
这本书是使用Nucleo 作为硬件,STM32CubeMX为开发环境,HAL库的方式,介绍GPIO、中断、USART、DMA、CLOCK&TIM、ADC/DAC,I²C和SPI等模块,以及电源管理、内存布局管理和FreeRTOS系统等,对英语要求也不高,适合入门之后的提升。