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[原创]Starting DHCP server with dhcpsInit()
I am trying to establish a DHCP Server in my VxWorks application.
I am trying to do so by first calling to dgcpsInit:
STATUS dhcpsInit (DHCPS_CFG_PARAMS *dhcps_params);
My problem is that dhcpsInit returns a wrong value (-1), and it
doesn't return any error number (errno), so I can't understand what is
the problem.
I tried to set dhcps_params in many ways (for example: maxdhcpMaxHops
= 1, dhcpSPort = 67, dhcpCPort = 68, dhcpMaxMsgSize = 590,
dhcpsDfltLease = 3600, dhcpsMaxLease = 3600, pDhcpsLeaseFunc = NULL,
pDhcpsAddrFunc = NULL),
but it still doesn't work!
I'll appriciate any help, Thanks.
关键词: 原创 Starting server dhcpsI
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