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serf 于 2002/04/19 09:03 加贴在 嵌入式系统论坛 设为精华 删除
二者皆为524288*8bit flash.5v only。为何am29f040b不能用而am29f040能用?
serf 于 2002/04/19 12:14 加贴在 嵌入式系统论坛 设为精华 删除
可能是速度问题,29f040是90ns 29f040b是120ns,差了30个ns,对于50m的arm来说,大于一个指令周期了,可能是时序问题。
Compatible with 0.5 µm Am29F040 device
hongwind 于 2002/04/19 11:18 加贴在 嵌入式系统论坛 设为精华 删除
Architectural Advantages
5.0V ± 10% single power supply operation
Minimizes system level power requirements
Manufactured on 0.32 µm process technology
Compatible with 0.5 µm Am29F040 device
Flexible sector architecture
8 uniform sectors of 64 Kbytes each
Any combination of sectors can be erased
Supports full chip erase
Sector protection:
A hardware method of locking sectors to prevent any program or erase operations within that sector
Compatible with JEDEC standards
Pinout and software compatible with single-power-supply Flash standard
Superior protection against inadvertent write
b 是指bottom. 就是说在bottom处sector大小和别处的不一样,通常是小。不知道有没有关系?
ruready 于 2002/04/19 11:03 加贴在 嵌入式系统论
关键词: 请问 am29f040 am29f040b 区别
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