公司主要生产Payment system,产品出口欧洲和美国。公司诚聘 1 位电子工程师,工作地:金桥开发区
[em17][em17][em17][em17]工作职责:Provide the first level technical support to production line for both maintenance and small repair activities. Provide diagnostics for production product failures and look for root cause solutions and implementations. Provide technical training related with the product by getting knowledge for product assembly, hardware & software. Also provides help about the use of the test equipment
1. Assure that defects on product have been evaluated/researched completely and the related information has been collected and evaluated before a report is delivered to the Team Leader.2. Knowledge about how to operate electronic test equipment such as> oscilloscope, multimeter, soldering and unsoldering equipment & tools, etc.3. Provide technical training to all the associates of the line: operators, repair operators & repair technicians on how to repair the product, how to use the repair tools, etc.4. Provide basic maintenance to Test Equipment and verifies the implementation of Test Software changes.5. Execute minor projects leading to the process improvement.6. Manage the Quality System by using all the databases & related documents such as Failure Notification, Repair database, etc.7. Helps the Team Leader on the documentation, analysis & feedback for quality issues as well as the coordination of Pilot Runs, Process Deviations, Re-Works, ECN Implementations, etc. 8. Participate on both technology and production meetings.打赏帖 | |
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