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EDA Tools On Linux
livers 10 to 100 times faster
performance than Verilog-XL. Discover why many of the
industry leaders have already selected SpeedSim/3 for
Cycle-based simulation.
WWW http://www.speedsim.com
Whiteley Research Inc offers a spice simulator and graphical
iclayout/schematic editor for Linux and FreeBSD.
WWW http://www.srware.com/
VERIWELL Wellspring Solutions:
is the creator of VeriWell, a full Verilog simulator for
Windows, Macintosh, Sparc, Linux,and DOS. VeriWell has been
consistently rated best value by Seva Technology, an
independent consulting and benchmarking firm.
WWW http://www.wellspring.com/
关键词: Tools Linux
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