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模拟示波器 TEK 7904
体积: 34×30×59 cm
重量: 14 kg
厂家: 美国泰克
Tektronix 7904 Tek 7904 500 MHz Oscilloscope Mainframe The 7904 Oscilloscope Mainframe has a 500MHz bandwidth at 10 mV/div 700 pS rise time 500 pS/div fastest calibrated sweep rate.
The TEKTRONIX 7904 Oscilloscope is a solid-state, high performance instrument designed for general purpose applications. The 7904 features a crt with small spot size and high writing rate. Graticule area is 8 X 10 cm. Additionally, the instrument includes a readout system providing crt display of alphanumeric information from the plug-ins, including deflection factor, sweep rate, and other encoded parameters.
The instrument's high vertical bandwidth (500 MHz), and four plug-in compartments which accept 7-series plug-in units, form a highly flexible measurement system.
频谱分析仪插件 Spectrum Analyzer Plug-In:Tektronix 7L12
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Tektronix 7L12详细参数(PDF文件)
Tektronix 7L12 中心频率范围:100KHz-1.8GHz
The 7L12 Spectrum Analyzer Plug-In provides proven, economical VHF/UHF coverage for use with 7000-Series Mainframes. Covers 100kHz to 1.8GHz with internal mixer. On-screen CRT readout of main control settings. Resolution bandwidths of 300Hz to 3MHz. Sensitivity: +30 dBm to -100 dBm at 300Hz resolution bandwidth. Frequency Span: 500Hz/div to 100MHz/div. Display modes: Log 10 dB/div, Log 2 dB/div and Linear settings. Sweep times from 10 mS/div to 1 µs/div in 1-2-5 sequence. The 7603 mainframe is recommended for the most economical system or a 7854 digitizing mainframe should be used for semiautomatic capabilities.
关键词: 模拟 示波器 频谱分析仪
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