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ucos,ii 网上下载的ucos-ii怎么不好用阿

我在lpc2104上移植ucos-ii时,使用的是网上下载的ucos-ii 2.52,编译时怎么出了一大堆错误啊?
答 1: 说明一下我用的是周老师的2104开发板,按照文件夹里的readme.tst进行的操作,把ucos-ii2.52例需要的函数考到了source文件下,然后利用一个例子编译,结果出了一大堆的错误和警告,最让我气愤地是:Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_core.c line 19
Error : C2225W: declaration lacks type/storage-class (assuming 'int'): 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 30
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before 'const'
Os_core.c line 30
Error : C2225W: declaration lacks type/storage-class (assuming 'int'): 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 41
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before 'const'
Os_core.c line 41
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 70
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 102
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 172
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 236
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 248
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 252
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_Q_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 256
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 261
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 265
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 269
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRunning'
Os_core.c line 301
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int TRUE'
Os_core.c line 301
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSIntNesting'
Os_core.c line 302
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 329
Error : (Serious) C2284E: expected ';' after command - inserted before 'y'
Os_core.c line 329
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int y'
Os_core.c line 329
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'y'
Os_core.c line 329
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_CRITICAL_METHOD' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 330
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();'
Os_core.c line 338
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSLockNesting'
Os_core.c line 343
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRdyGrp'
Os_core.c line 344
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSPrioHighRdy'
Os_core.c line 345
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRdyTbl'
Os_core.c line 345
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_core.c line 345
Error : (Serious) C2966E: attempt to apply a non-function
Os_core.c line 345
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSPrioCur'
Os_core.c line 346
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSTCBHighRdy'
Os_core.c line 347
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSTCBPrioTbl'
Os_core.c line 347
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_core.c line 347
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 348
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSCtxSwCtr'
Os_core.c line 351
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OSIntCtxSw();'
Os_core.c line 352
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();'
Os_core.c line 356
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SCHED_LOCK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 376
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SCHED_LOCK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 412
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 466
Error : (Serious) C2284E: expected ';' after command - inserted before 'y'
Os_core.c line 466
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'y'
Os_core.c line 466
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 467
Error : (Serious) C2284E: expected ';' after command - inserted before 'x'
Os_core.c line 467
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int x'
Os_core.c line 467
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'x'
Os_core.c line 467
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int FALSE'
Os_core.c line 470
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_core.c line 472
Error : (Serious) C2966E: attempt to apply a non-function
Os_core.c line 473
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_core.c line 475
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSTCBCur'
Os_core.c line 476
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OSStartHighRdy();'
Os_core.c line 477
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 501
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OS_TCB'
Os_core.c line 539
Error : (Fatal) C2456E: C3047U: Too many errors
Os_core.c line 539
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_flag.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_flag.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_flag.c line 1119
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_flag.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_mbox.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MBOX_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_mbox.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_mbox.c line 528
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_mbox.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_mem.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_mem.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_mem.c line 405
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_mem.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_mutex.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MUTEX_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_mutex.c line 32
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_mutex.c line 588
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_mutex.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_q.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_Q_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_q.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_q.c line 779
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_q.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_sem.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_sem.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_sem.c line 502
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_sem.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_task.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CHANGE_PRIO_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 41
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CREATE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 165
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 279
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_DEL_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 370
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_DEL_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 514
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 581
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 653
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SUSPEND_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 723
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 788
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SUSPEND_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 870
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_QUERY_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 943
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 1003
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_task.c line 1024
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_task.c: 13 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_time.c line 18
Error : C2285E: expected ')' or ',' - inserted ')' before 'ticks'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2470E: function prototype formal 'INT16U' needs type or class - 'int' assumed
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before 'ticks'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2225W: declaration lacks type/storage-class (assuming 'int'): 'ticks'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before ')'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : (Serious) C2322E: Expecting <declarator> or <type> but found ')'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before '{'
Os_time.c line 37
Error : (Serious) C2337E: Misplaced '{' at top level - ignoring block
Os_time.c line 37
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int INT8U'
Os_time.c line 38
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'INT8U'
Os_time.c line 38
Error : (Serious) C2284E: expected ';' after command - inserted before 'y'
Os_time.c line 38
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int y'
Os_time.c line 38
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'y'
Os_time.c line 38
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_CRITICAL_METHOD' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 39
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();'
Os_time.c line 47
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSTCBCur'
Os_time.c line 48
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: '->'
Os_time.c line 48
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRdyTbl'
Os_time.c line 49
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_time.c line 49
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: '->'
Os_time.c line 49
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_time.c line 50
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRdyGrp'
Os_time.c line 51
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: '->'
Os_time.c line 51
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: '->'
Os_time.c line 53
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();'
Os_time.c line 54
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_Sched();'
Os_time.c line 55
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_DLY_HMSM_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 84
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_DLY_RESUME_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 152
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_GET_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 213
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_GET_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 243
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_time.c: 10 warnings, 11 errors, 10 serious errors
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cpu.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 19
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cfg.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 20
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 128
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 254
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 272
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 321
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 458
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 466
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 524
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 560
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 583
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 640
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 747
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 784
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 900
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_DEBUG_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 914
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 937
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 945
Error : (Fatal) C2860E: #error encountered ""OS_CFG.H, Missing OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE: Determines the size of flag group names""
ucos_ii.h line 1005
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cpu.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 19
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cfg.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 20
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 128
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 254
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 272
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 321
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 458
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 466
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 524
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 560
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 583
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 640
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 747
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 784
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 900
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_DEBUG_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 914
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 937
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 945
Error : (Fatal) C2860E: #error encountered ""OS_CFG.H, Missing OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE: Determines the size of flag group names""
ucos_ii.h line 1005
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cpu.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 19
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cfg.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 20
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 128
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 254
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 272
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 321
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 458
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 466
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 524
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 560
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 583
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 640
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 747
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 784
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 900
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_DEBUG_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 914
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 937
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 945
Error : (Fatal) C2860E: #error encountered ""OS_CFG.H, Missing OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE: Determines the size of flag group names""
ucos_ii.h line 1005
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cpu.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 19
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cfg.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 20
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 128
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 254
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 272
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 321
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 458
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 466
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 524
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 560
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 583
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 640
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 747
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 784
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 900
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_DEBUG_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 914
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 937
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 945
Error : (Fatal) C2860E: #error encountered ""OS_CFG.H, Missing OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE: Determines the size of flag group names""
ucos_ii.h line 1005
,我该怎么办? 答 2: 究竟是ucos-ii软件问题还是。。。Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_core.c line 19
这怎么理解?英文的意思好像是不能打开Os_core.c文件里的line 19 ,呵呵,怎么可能呢?文件能打不开某一行?
磕头跪求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 答 3: 估计是那个头文件没找到吧。 答 4: 你的工程中的acess path中没设路径 答 5: fubaiqun computer00我给二位作揖了!我试试看。谢谢阿 答 6: 还是不行,就是编译通不过,fubaiqun/computer00大哥,如果您移植成功过ucos-ii,能给我传个移植成功的文件夹吗?那怕是只能控制一个led也可以,我有周老师的2104开发板,按照红皮书介绍的方法移植不了,我想还是我什么地方没领会,急啊!
万分感激! 答 7: 很抱歉,我没做过ucos的移植,所以也不知道具体问题出在哪估计是文件路径设置不对吧。仔细检查各路径的设置以及确认该路径下是否含有所需要的文件。 答 8: re:1. 复制正确的文件到相应目录下
2. 一定要使用2.52版本的uC/OS-II
3. 先打开RomCode的工程编译看有没有问题。 答 9: 移植成功,并能跑8个任务了,。。多谢了诸位多谢诸位回复的朋友,成功了。现在作了跑8个任务的实验,正常
答 1: 说明一下我用的是周老师的2104开发板,按照文件夹里的readme.tst进行的操作,把ucos-ii2.52例需要的函数考到了source文件下,然后利用一个例子编译,结果出了一大堆的错误和警告,最让我气愤地是:Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_core.c line 19
Error : C2225W: declaration lacks type/storage-class (assuming 'int'): 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 30
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before 'const'
Os_core.c line 30
Error : C2225W: declaration lacks type/storage-class (assuming 'int'): 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 41
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before 'const'
Os_core.c line 41
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 70
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 102
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 172
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 236
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 248
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 252
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_Q_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 256
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 261
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 265
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 269
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRunning'
Os_core.c line 301
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int TRUE'
Os_core.c line 301
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSIntNesting'
Os_core.c line 302
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 329
Error : (Serious) C2284E: expected ';' after command - inserted before 'y'
Os_core.c line 329
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int y'
Os_core.c line 329
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'y'
Os_core.c line 329
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_CRITICAL_METHOD' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 330
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();'
Os_core.c line 338
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSLockNesting'
Os_core.c line 343
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRdyGrp'
Os_core.c line 344
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSPrioHighRdy'
Os_core.c line 345
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRdyTbl'
Os_core.c line 345
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_core.c line 345
Error : (Serious) C2966E: attempt to apply a non-function
Os_core.c line 345
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSPrioCur'
Os_core.c line 346
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSTCBHighRdy'
Os_core.c line 347
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSTCBPrioTbl'
Os_core.c line 347
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_core.c line 347
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 348
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSCtxSwCtr'
Os_core.c line 351
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OSIntCtxSw();'
Os_core.c line 352
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();'
Os_core.c line 356
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SCHED_LOCK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 376
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SCHED_LOCK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 412
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 466
Error : (Serious) C2284E: expected ';' after command - inserted before 'y'
Os_core.c line 466
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'y'
Os_core.c line 466
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'INT8U'
Os_core.c line 467
Error : (Serious) C2284E: expected ';' after command - inserted before 'x'
Os_core.c line 467
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int x'
Os_core.c line 467
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'x'
Os_core.c line 467
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int FALSE'
Os_core.c line 470
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_core.c line 472
Error : (Serious) C2966E: attempt to apply a non-function
Os_core.c line 473
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_core.c line 475
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSTCBCur'
Os_core.c line 476
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OSStartHighRdy();'
Os_core.c line 477
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_core.c line 501
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OS_TCB'
Os_core.c line 539
Error : (Fatal) C2456E: C3047U: Too many errors
Os_core.c line 539
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_flag.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_VERSION' in #if - treated as 0
Os_flag.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_flag.c line 1119
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_flag.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_mbox.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MBOX_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_mbox.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_mbox.c line 528
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_mbox.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_mem.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_mem.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_mem.c line 405
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_mem.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_mutex.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MUTEX_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_mutex.c line 32
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_mutex.c line 588
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_mutex.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_q.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_Q_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_q.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_q.c line 779
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_q.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_sem.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_sem.c line 20
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_sem.c line 502
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_sem.c: 2 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_task.c line 18
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CHANGE_PRIO_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 41
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CREATE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 165
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 279
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_DEL_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 370
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_DEL_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 514
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 581
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 653
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SUSPEND_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 723
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 788
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SUSPEND_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 870
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_QUERY_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 943
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_CREATE_EXT_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_task.c line 1003
Warning : C3040E: no external declaration in translation unit
Os_task.c line 1024
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_task.c: 13 warnings, 0 errors, 1 serious error
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_time.c line 18
Error : C2285E: expected ')' or ',' - inserted ')' before 'ticks'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2470E: function prototype formal 'INT16U' needs type or class - 'int' assumed
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before 'ticks'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2225W: declaration lacks type/storage-class (assuming 'int'): 'ticks'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before ')'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : (Serious) C2322E: Expecting <declarator> or <type> but found ')'
Os_time.c line 36
Error : C2285E: expected ';' or ',' - inserted ';' before '{'
Os_time.c line 37
Error : (Serious) C2337E: Misplaced '{' at top level - ignoring block
Os_time.c line 37
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int INT8U'
Os_time.c line 38
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'INT8U'
Os_time.c line 38
Error : (Serious) C2284E: expected ';' after command - inserted before 'y'
Os_time.c line 38
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int y'
Os_time.c line 38
Warning : C2917W: no side effect in void context: 'y'
Os_time.c line 38
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_CRITICAL_METHOD' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 39
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();'
Os_time.c line 47
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSTCBCur'
Os_time.c line 48
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: '->'
Os_time.c line 48
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRdyTbl'
Os_time.c line 49
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_time.c line 49
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: '->'
Os_time.c line 49
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: <subscript>
Os_time.c line 50
Error : C2456E: undeclared name, inventing 'extern int OSRdyGrp'
Os_time.c line 51
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: '->'
Os_time.c line 51
Error : (Serious) C2947E: Illegal types for operands: '->'
Os_time.c line 53
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();'
Os_time.c line 54
Warning : C2207W: inventing 'extern int OS_Sched();'
Os_time.c line 55
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_DLY_HMSM_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 84
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_DLY_RESUME_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 152
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_GET_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 213
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_GET_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
Os_time.c line 243
D:\Ucosii 2.52 for lpc210x and ex\SOFTWARE\uCOS-II\SOURCE\Os_time.c: 10 warnings, 11 errors, 10 serious errors
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cpu.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 19
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cfg.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 20
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 128
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 254
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 272
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 321
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 458
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 466
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 524
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 560
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 583
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 640
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 747
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 784
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 900
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_DEBUG_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 914
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 937
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 945
Error : (Fatal) C2860E: #error encountered ""OS_CFG.H, Missing OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE: Determines the size of flag group names""
ucos_ii.h line 1005
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cpu.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 19
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cfg.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 20
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 128
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 254
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 272
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 321
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 458
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 466
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 524
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 560
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 583
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 640
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 747
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 784
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 900
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_DEBUG_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 914
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 937
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 945
Error : (Fatal) C2860E: #error encountered ""OS_CFG.H, Missing OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE: Determines the size of flag group names""
ucos_ii.h line 1005
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cpu.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 19
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cfg.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 20
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 128
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 254
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 272
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 321
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 458
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 466
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 524
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 560
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 583
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 640
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 747
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 784
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 900
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_DEBUG_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 914
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 937
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 945
Error : (Fatal) C2860E: #error encountered ""OS_CFG.H, Missing OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE: Determines the size of flag group names""
ucos_ii.h line 1005
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cpu.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 19
Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <os_cfg.h> wouldn't open
ucos_ii.h line 20
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 128
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 254
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 272
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 321
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_PROFILE_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 458
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 466
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TICK_STEP_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 524
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 560
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 583
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 640
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_SEM_SET_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 747
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 784
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_EVENT_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_MEM_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 885
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_STAT_STK_CHK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 900
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_DEBUG_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 914
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TASK_SW_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 937
Warning : C2206W: Undefined macro 'OS_TIME_TICK_HOOK_EN' in #if - treated as 0
ucos_ii.h line 945
Error : (Fatal) C2860E: #error encountered ""OS_CFG.H, Missing OS_FLAG_NAME_SIZE: Determines the size of flag group names""
ucos_ii.h line 1005
,我该怎么办? 答 2: 究竟是ucos-ii软件问题还是。。。Error : (Serious) C2857E: #include file <ucos_ii.h> wouldn't open
Os_core.c line 19
这怎么理解?英文的意思好像是不能打开Os_core.c文件里的line 19 ,呵呵,怎么可能呢?文件能打不开某一行?
磕头跪求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 答 3: 估计是那个头文件没找到吧。 答 4: 你的工程中的acess path中没设路径 答 5: fubaiqun computer00我给二位作揖了!我试试看。谢谢阿 答 6: 还是不行,就是编译通不过,fubaiqun/computer00大哥,如果您移植成功过ucos-ii,能给我传个移植成功的文件夹吗?那怕是只能控制一个led也可以,我有周老师的2104开发板,按照红皮书介绍的方法移植不了,我想还是我什么地方没领会,急啊!
万分感激! 答 7: 很抱歉,我没做过ucos的移植,所以也不知道具体问题出在哪估计是文件路径设置不对吧。仔细检查各路径的设置以及确认该路径下是否含有所需要的文件。 答 8: re:1. 复制正确的文件到相应目录下
2. 一定要使用2.52版本的uC/OS-II
3. 先打开RomCode的工程编译看有没有问题。 答 9: 移植成功,并能跑8个任务了,。。多谢了诸位多谢诸位回复的朋友,成功了。现在作了跑8个任务的实验,正常
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