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另对9200data sheet 有句话不是太懂,敬请指点:
Main Oscillator Bypass
The user CAN input a clock on the device instead of connecting a crystal.in this case,the user has to provide the external clock signal on the XIN.The programmer has to be sure not to modify the MOSCEN bit in the Main Oscillator Register.This bit must remain at 0,its reset value,for the external clock to operate properly.While this bit is at 0,the pin XIN is pulled down by a 500 k resistor in parallel with a 25 pF capacitor. 答 1: 24C512太大了点吧 答 2: 外接时钟谈的是外接时钟信号,不用芯片的内部时钟 答 3: 谢谢你啊,能更细一点吗我主要是说这句话的:While this bit is at 0,the pin XIN is pulled down by a 500 k resistor in parallel with a 25 pF capacitor.
另对9200data sheet 有句话不是太懂,敬请指点:
Main Oscillator Bypass
The user CAN input a clock on the device instead of connecting a crystal.in this case,the user has to provide the external clock signal on the XIN.The programmer has to be sure not to modify the MOSCEN bit in the Main Oscillator Register.This bit must remain at 0,its reset value,for the external clock to operate properly.While this bit is at 0,the pin XIN is pulled down by a 500 k resistor in parallel with a 25 pF capacitor. 答 1: 24C512太大了点吧 答 2: 外接时钟谈的是外接时钟信号,不用芯片的内部时钟 答 3: 谢谢你啊,能更细一点吗我主要是说这句话的:While this bit is at 0,the pin XIN is pulled down by a 500 k resistor in parallel with a 25 pF capacitor.
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