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Keill,uV3 关于Keill uV3 的问题

将ADS1.2 下的s3c44b0x测试程序,移值到Keill uV3 (V3.12)下,总是出错!而且
Keill uV3 仿真s3c44b0x时,没有片外资源的监视(其它公司的都有!),是不是Keill 还未做好 s3c44b0x的仿真!仿真时,警告:DARM.DLL 未找到!这个文件在那里得到?
Keill 里定义寄存器的方法,非常简单.大家看看!
有没有用Keill uV3 的朋友?交流一下!
/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools */
/* Copyright KEIL ELEKTRONIK GmbH 2002-2004 */
/* */
/* SYSTEM.H: Header file for CPU Wrapper & Bus Priorities */
/* Samsung S3C44B0X */
/* */
#ifndef __SYSTEM_H
#define __SYSTEM_H
#define CPUW_BASE 0x01C00000 // CPU Wrapper Base Address
#define BUSP_BASE 0x01C40000 // Bus Priorities Base Address
// CPU Wrapper Registers
typedef struct {
reg32 SYSCFG; // System Configuration
reg32 NCACNBE0; // Non Cacheable Area 0
reg32 NCACNBE1; // Non Cacheable Area 1
} regCPUW;
// Bus Priorities Registers
typedef struct {
reg32 SBUSCON; // System Bus Control
} regBUSP;
#define pCPUW ((regCPUW *)CPUW_BASE)
#define pBUSP ((regBUSP *)BUSP_BASE)
#endif /* __SYSTEM_H */
/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools */
/* Copyright KEIL ELEKTRONIK GmbH 2002-2004 */
/* */
/* PIO.H: Header file for Parallel I/O */
/* Samsung S3C44B0X */
/* */
#ifndef __PIO_H
#define __PIO_H
#define PIO_BASE 0x01D20000 // PIO Base Address
// PIO Registers
typedef struct {
reg32 PCONA; // Port A Control
reg32 PDATA; // Port A Data
reg32 PCONB; // Port B Control
reg32 PDATB; // Port B Data
reg32 PCONC; // Port C Control
reg32 PDATC; // Port C Data
reg32 PUPC; // Port C Pull-up Control
reg32 PCOND; // Port D Control
reg32 PDATD; // Port D Data
reg32 PUPD; // Port D Pull-up Control
reg32 PCONE; // Port E Control
reg32 PDATE; // Port E Data
reg32 PUPE; // Port E Pull-up Control
reg32 PCONF; // Port F Control
reg32 PDATF; // Port F Data
reg32 PUPF; // Port F Pull-up Control
reg32 PCONG; // Port G Control
reg32 PDATG; // Port G Data
reg32 PUPG; // Port G Pull-up Control
reg32 SPUCR; // Special Pull-up Control
reg32 EXTINT; // External Interrupt Control
reg32 EXTINPND; // External Interrupt Pending
} regPIO;
#define pPIO ((regPIO *)PIO_BASE)
// PCONA: Port A Control Register
#define PA0_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA0_ADDR0 0x00000001
#define PA1_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA1_ADDR16 0x00000002
#define PA2_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA2_ADDR17 0x00000004
#define PA3_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA3_ADDR18 0x00000008
#define PA4_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA4_ADDR19 0x00000010
#define PA5_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA5_ADDR20 0x00000020
#define PA6_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA6_ADDR21 0x00000040
#define PA7_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA7_ADDR22 0x00000080
#define PA8_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA8_ADDR23 0x00000100
#define PA9_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA9_ADDR24 0x00000200
// PCONB: Port B Control Register
#define PB0_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB0_SCKE 0x00000001
#define PB1_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB1_SCLK 0x00000002
#define PB2_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB2_nSCAS 0x00000004
#define PB2_nCAS2 0x00000004
#define PB3_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB3_nSRAS 0x00000008
#define PB3_nCAS3 0x00000008
#define PB4_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB4_nWBE2 0x00000010
#define PB4_nBE2 0x00000010
#define PB4_nDQM2 0x00000010
#define PB5_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB5_nWBE3 0x00000020
#define PB5_nBE3 0x00000020
#define PB5_DQM3 0x00000020
#define PB6_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB6_nGCS1 0x00000040
#define PB7_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB7_nGCS2 0x00000080
#define PB8_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB8_nGCS3 0x00000100
#define PB9_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB9_nGCS4 0x00000200
#define PB10_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB10_nGCS5 0x00000400
// PCONC: Port C Control Register
#define PC0_IN 0x00000000
#define PC0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PC0_DATA16 0x00000002
#define PC0_IISLRCK 0x00000003
#define PC1_IN 0x00000000
#define PC1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PC1_DATA17 0x00000008
#define PC1_IISDO 0x0000000C
#define PC2_IN 0x00000000
#define PC2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PC2_DATA18 0x00000020
#define PC2_IISDI 0x00000030
#define PC3_IN 0x00000000
#define PC3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PC3_DATA19 0x00000080
#define PC3_IISCLK 0x000000C0
#define PC4_IN 0x00000000
#define PC4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PC4_DATA20 0x00000200
#define PC4_VD7 0x00000300
#define PC5_IN 0x00000000
#define PC5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PC5_DATA21 0x00000800
#define PC5_VD6 0x00000C00
#define PC6_IN 0x00000000
#define PC6_OUT 0x00001000
#define PC6_DATA22 0x00002000
#define PC6_VD5 0x00003000
#define PC7_IN 0x00000000
#define PC7_OUT 0x00004000
#define PC7_DATA23 0x00008000
#define PC7_VD4 0x0000C000
#define PC8_IN 0x00000000
#define PC8_OUT 0x00010000
#define PC8_DATA24 0x00020000
#define PC8_nXDACK1 0x00030000
#define PC9_IN 0x00000000
#define PC9_OUT 0x00040000
#define PC9_DATA25 0x00080000
#define PC10_nXDREQ1 0x000C0000
#define PC10_IN 0x00000000
#define PC10_OUT 0x00100000
#define PC10_DATA26 0x00200000
#define PC11_nRTS1 0x00300000
#define PC11_IN 0x00000000
#define PC11_OUT 0x00400000
#define PC11_DATA27 0x00800000
#define PC11_nCTS1 0x00C00000
#define PC12_IN 0x00000000
#define PC12_OUT 0x01000000
#define PC12_DATA28 0x02000000
#define PC12_TxD1 0x03000000
#define PC13_IN 0x00000000
#define PC13_OUT 0x04000000
#define PC13_DATA29 0x08000000
#define PC13_RxD1 0x0C000000
#define PC14_IN 0x00000000
#define PC14_OUT 0x10000000
#define PC14_DATA30 0x20000000
#define PC14_nRTS0 0x30000000
#define PC15_IN 0x00000000
#define PC15_OUT 0x40000000
#define PC15_DATA31 0x80000000
#define PC15_nCTS0 0xC0000000
// PCOND: Port D Control Register
#define PD0_IN 0x00000000
#define PD0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PD0_VD0 0x00000002
#define PD1_IN 0x00000000
#define PD1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PD1_VD1 0x00000008
#define PD2_IN 0x00000000
#define PD2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PD2_VD2 0x00000020
#define PD3_IN 0x00000000
#define PD3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PD3_VD3 0x00000080
#define PD4_IN 0x00000000
#define PD4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PD4_VCLK 0x00000200
#define PD5_IN 0x00000000
#define PD5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PD5_VLINE 0x00000800
#define PD6_IN 0x00000000
#define PD6_OUT 0x00001000
#define PD6_VM 0x00002000
#define PD7_IN 0x00000000
#define PD7_OUT 0x00004000
#define PD7_VFRAME 0x00008000
// PCONE: Port E Control Register
#define PE0_IN 0x00000000
#define PE0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PE0_Fpllo_out 0x00000002
#define PE0_Fout_out 0x00000003
#define PE1_IN 0x00000000
#define PE1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PE1_TxD0 0x00000008
#define PE2_IN 0x00000000
#define PE2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PE2_RxD0 0x00000020
#define PE3_IN 0x00000000
#define PE3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PE3_TOUT0 0x00000080
#define PE4_IN 0x00000000
#define PE4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PE4_TOUT1 0x00000200
#define PE4_TCLK_in 0x00000300
#define PE5_IN 0x00000000
#define PE5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PE5_TOUT2 0x00000800
#define PE5_TCLK_in 0x00000C00
#define PE6_IN 0x00000000
#define PE6_OUT 0x00001000
#define PE6_TOUT3 0x00002000
#define PE6_VD6 0x00003000
#define PE7_IN 0x00000000
#define PE7_OUT 0x00004000
#define PE7_TOUT4 0x00008000
#define PE7_VD7 0x0000C000
#define PE8_OUT 0x00010000
#define PE8_CODECLK 0x00020000
// PCONF: Port F Control Register
#define PF0_IN 0x00000000
#define PF0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PF0_IICSCL 0x00000002
#define PF1_IN 0x00000000
#define PF1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PF1_IICSDA 0x00000008
#define PF2_IN 0x00000000
#define PF2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PF2_nWAIT 0x00000020
#define PF3_IN 0x00000000
#define PF3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PF3_nXBACK 0x00000080
#define PF3_nXDACK0 0x000000C0
#define PF4_IN 0x00000000
#define PF4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PF4_nXBREQ 0x00000200
#define PF4_nXDREQ0 0x00000300
#define PF5_IN 0x00000000
#define PF5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PF5_nRTS1 0x00000800
#define PF5_SIOTxD 0x00000C00
#define PF5_IISLRCK 0x00001000
#define PF6_IN 0x00000000
#define PF6_OUT 0x00002000
#define PF6_TxD1 0x00004000
#define PF6_SIORDY 0x00006000
#define PF6_IISDO 0x00008000
#define PF7_IN 0x00000000
#define PF7_OUT 0x00010000
#define PF7_RxD1 0x00020000
#define PF7_SIORxD 0x00030000
#define PF7_IISDI 0x00040000
#define PF8_IN 0x00000000
#define PF8_OUT 0x00080000
#define PF8_nCTS1 0x00100000
#define PF8_SIOCLK 0x00180000
#define PF8_IISCLK 0x00200000
// PCONG: Port G Control Register
#define PG0_IN 0x00000000
#define PG0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PG0_VD4 0x00000002
#define PG0_EINT0 0x00000003
#define PG1_IN 0x00000000
#define PG1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PG1_VD5 0x00000008
#define PG1_EINT1 0x0000000C
#define PG2_IN 0x00000000
#define PG2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PG2_nCTS0 0x00000020
#define PG2_EINT2 0x00000030
#define PG3_IN 0x00000000
#define PG3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PG3_nRTS0 0x00000080
#define PG3_EINT3 0x000000C0
#define PG4_IN 0x00000000
#define PG4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PG4_IISCLK 0x00000200
#define PG4_EINT4 0x00000300
#define PG5_IN 0x00000000
#define PG5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PG5_IISDI 0x00000800
#define PG5_EINT5 0x00000C00
#define PG6_IN 0x00000000
#define PG6_OUT 0x00001000
#define PG6_IISDO 0x00002000
#define PG6_EINT6 0x00003000
#define PG7_IN 0x00000000
#define PG7_OUT 0x00004000
#define PG7_ISSLRCK 0x00008000
#define PG7_EINT7 0x0000C000
// SPUCR: Special Pull-up Resistor Control Register
#define SPUCR0 0x00000001
#define SPUCR1 0x00000002
#define HZATSTOP 0x00000004
// EXTINT: External Interrupt Control Register
#define EINT0_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT0_HIGH 0x00000001
#define EINT0_FALLING 0x00000002
#define EINT0_RISING 0x00000004
#define EINT0_BOTH 0x00000006
#define EINT1_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT1_HIGH 0x00000010
#define EINT1_FALLING 0x00000020
#define EINT1_RISING 0x00000040
#define EINT1_BOTH 0x00000060
#define EINT2_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT2_HIGH 0x00000100
#define EINT2_FALLING 0x00000200
#define EINT2_RISING 0x00000400
#define EINT2_BOTH 0x00000600
#define EINT3_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT3_HIGH 0x00001000
#define EINT3_FALLING 0x00002000
#define EINT3_RISING 0x00004000
#define EINT3_BOTH 0x00006000
#define EINT4_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT4_HIGH 0x00010000
#define EINT4_FALLING 0x00020000
#define EINT4_RISING 0x00040000
#define EINT4_BOTH 0x00060000
#define EINT5_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT5_HIGH 0x00100000
#define EINT5_FALLING 0x00200000
#define EINT5_RISING 0x00400000
#define EINT5_BOTH 0x00600000
#define EINT6_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT6_HIGH 0x01000000
#define EINT6_FALLING 0x02000000
#define EINT6_RISING 0x04000000
#define EINT6_BOTH 0x06000000
#define EINT7_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT7_HIGH 0x10000000
#define EINT7_FALLING 0x20000000
#define EINT7_RISING 0x40000000
#define EINT7_BOTH 0x60000000
// EXTINTPND: External Interrupt Pending Register
#define EXTINTPND0 0x00000001
#define EXTINTPND1 0x00000002
#define EXTINTPND2 0x00000004
#define EXTINTPND3 0x00000008
#endif /* __PIO_H */
答 1: re感觉用KEIL做ARM没有ADS爽! 答 2: 使用KEIL+ADS编译器很爽啊用的是PHILIPS的ARM芯片,三星的不熟没怎么用过,可以参加一下周工的网站上的KEIL FOR EASYARM开发板的模块试试
Keill uV3 仿真s3c44b0x时,没有片外资源的监视(其它公司的都有!),是不是Keill 还未做好 s3c44b0x的仿真!仿真时,警告:DARM.DLL 未找到!这个文件在那里得到?
Keill 里定义寄存器的方法,非常简单.大家看看!
有没有用Keill uV3 的朋友?交流一下!
/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools */
/* Copyright KEIL ELEKTRONIK GmbH 2002-2004 */
/* */
/* SYSTEM.H: Header file for CPU Wrapper & Bus Priorities */
/* Samsung S3C44B0X */
/* */
#ifndef __SYSTEM_H
#define __SYSTEM_H
#define CPUW_BASE 0x01C00000 // CPU Wrapper Base Address
#define BUSP_BASE 0x01C40000 // Bus Priorities Base Address
// CPU Wrapper Registers
typedef struct {
reg32 SYSCFG; // System Configuration
reg32 NCACNBE0; // Non Cacheable Area 0
reg32 NCACNBE1; // Non Cacheable Area 1
} regCPUW;
// Bus Priorities Registers
typedef struct {
reg32 SBUSCON; // System Bus Control
} regBUSP;
#define pCPUW ((regCPUW *)CPUW_BASE)
#define pBUSP ((regBUSP *)BUSP_BASE)
#endif /* __SYSTEM_H */
/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools */
/* Copyright KEIL ELEKTRONIK GmbH 2002-2004 */
/* */
/* PIO.H: Header file for Parallel I/O */
/* Samsung S3C44B0X */
/* */
#ifndef __PIO_H
#define __PIO_H
#define PIO_BASE 0x01D20000 // PIO Base Address
// PIO Registers
typedef struct {
reg32 PCONA; // Port A Control
reg32 PDATA; // Port A Data
reg32 PCONB; // Port B Control
reg32 PDATB; // Port B Data
reg32 PCONC; // Port C Control
reg32 PDATC; // Port C Data
reg32 PUPC; // Port C Pull-up Control
reg32 PCOND; // Port D Control
reg32 PDATD; // Port D Data
reg32 PUPD; // Port D Pull-up Control
reg32 PCONE; // Port E Control
reg32 PDATE; // Port E Data
reg32 PUPE; // Port E Pull-up Control
reg32 PCONF; // Port F Control
reg32 PDATF; // Port F Data
reg32 PUPF; // Port F Pull-up Control
reg32 PCONG; // Port G Control
reg32 PDATG; // Port G Data
reg32 PUPG; // Port G Pull-up Control
reg32 SPUCR; // Special Pull-up Control
reg32 EXTINT; // External Interrupt Control
reg32 EXTINPND; // External Interrupt Pending
} regPIO;
#define pPIO ((regPIO *)PIO_BASE)
// PCONA: Port A Control Register
#define PA0_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA0_ADDR0 0x00000001
#define PA1_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA1_ADDR16 0x00000002
#define PA2_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA2_ADDR17 0x00000004
#define PA3_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA3_ADDR18 0x00000008
#define PA4_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA4_ADDR19 0x00000010
#define PA5_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA5_ADDR20 0x00000020
#define PA6_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA6_ADDR21 0x00000040
#define PA7_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA7_ADDR22 0x00000080
#define PA8_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA8_ADDR23 0x00000100
#define PA9_OUT 0x00000000
#define PA9_ADDR24 0x00000200
// PCONB: Port B Control Register
#define PB0_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB0_SCKE 0x00000001
#define PB1_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB1_SCLK 0x00000002
#define PB2_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB2_nSCAS 0x00000004
#define PB2_nCAS2 0x00000004
#define PB3_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB3_nSRAS 0x00000008
#define PB3_nCAS3 0x00000008
#define PB4_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB4_nWBE2 0x00000010
#define PB4_nBE2 0x00000010
#define PB4_nDQM2 0x00000010
#define PB5_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB5_nWBE3 0x00000020
#define PB5_nBE3 0x00000020
#define PB5_DQM3 0x00000020
#define PB6_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB6_nGCS1 0x00000040
#define PB7_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB7_nGCS2 0x00000080
#define PB8_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB8_nGCS3 0x00000100
#define PB9_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB9_nGCS4 0x00000200
#define PB10_OUT 0x00000000
#define PB10_nGCS5 0x00000400
// PCONC: Port C Control Register
#define PC0_IN 0x00000000
#define PC0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PC0_DATA16 0x00000002
#define PC0_IISLRCK 0x00000003
#define PC1_IN 0x00000000
#define PC1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PC1_DATA17 0x00000008
#define PC1_IISDO 0x0000000C
#define PC2_IN 0x00000000
#define PC2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PC2_DATA18 0x00000020
#define PC2_IISDI 0x00000030
#define PC3_IN 0x00000000
#define PC3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PC3_DATA19 0x00000080
#define PC3_IISCLK 0x000000C0
#define PC4_IN 0x00000000
#define PC4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PC4_DATA20 0x00000200
#define PC4_VD7 0x00000300
#define PC5_IN 0x00000000
#define PC5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PC5_DATA21 0x00000800
#define PC5_VD6 0x00000C00
#define PC6_IN 0x00000000
#define PC6_OUT 0x00001000
#define PC6_DATA22 0x00002000
#define PC6_VD5 0x00003000
#define PC7_IN 0x00000000
#define PC7_OUT 0x00004000
#define PC7_DATA23 0x00008000
#define PC7_VD4 0x0000C000
#define PC8_IN 0x00000000
#define PC8_OUT 0x00010000
#define PC8_DATA24 0x00020000
#define PC8_nXDACK1 0x00030000
#define PC9_IN 0x00000000
#define PC9_OUT 0x00040000
#define PC9_DATA25 0x00080000
#define PC10_nXDREQ1 0x000C0000
#define PC10_IN 0x00000000
#define PC10_OUT 0x00100000
#define PC10_DATA26 0x00200000
#define PC11_nRTS1 0x00300000
#define PC11_IN 0x00000000
#define PC11_OUT 0x00400000
#define PC11_DATA27 0x00800000
#define PC11_nCTS1 0x00C00000
#define PC12_IN 0x00000000
#define PC12_OUT 0x01000000
#define PC12_DATA28 0x02000000
#define PC12_TxD1 0x03000000
#define PC13_IN 0x00000000
#define PC13_OUT 0x04000000
#define PC13_DATA29 0x08000000
#define PC13_RxD1 0x0C000000
#define PC14_IN 0x00000000
#define PC14_OUT 0x10000000
#define PC14_DATA30 0x20000000
#define PC14_nRTS0 0x30000000
#define PC15_IN 0x00000000
#define PC15_OUT 0x40000000
#define PC15_DATA31 0x80000000
#define PC15_nCTS0 0xC0000000
// PCOND: Port D Control Register
#define PD0_IN 0x00000000
#define PD0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PD0_VD0 0x00000002
#define PD1_IN 0x00000000
#define PD1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PD1_VD1 0x00000008
#define PD2_IN 0x00000000
#define PD2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PD2_VD2 0x00000020
#define PD3_IN 0x00000000
#define PD3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PD3_VD3 0x00000080
#define PD4_IN 0x00000000
#define PD4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PD4_VCLK 0x00000200
#define PD5_IN 0x00000000
#define PD5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PD5_VLINE 0x00000800
#define PD6_IN 0x00000000
#define PD6_OUT 0x00001000
#define PD6_VM 0x00002000
#define PD7_IN 0x00000000
#define PD7_OUT 0x00004000
#define PD7_VFRAME 0x00008000
// PCONE: Port E Control Register
#define PE0_IN 0x00000000
#define PE0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PE0_Fpllo_out 0x00000002
#define PE0_Fout_out 0x00000003
#define PE1_IN 0x00000000
#define PE1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PE1_TxD0 0x00000008
#define PE2_IN 0x00000000
#define PE2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PE2_RxD0 0x00000020
#define PE3_IN 0x00000000
#define PE3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PE3_TOUT0 0x00000080
#define PE4_IN 0x00000000
#define PE4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PE4_TOUT1 0x00000200
#define PE4_TCLK_in 0x00000300
#define PE5_IN 0x00000000
#define PE5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PE5_TOUT2 0x00000800
#define PE5_TCLK_in 0x00000C00
#define PE6_IN 0x00000000
#define PE6_OUT 0x00001000
#define PE6_TOUT3 0x00002000
#define PE6_VD6 0x00003000
#define PE7_IN 0x00000000
#define PE7_OUT 0x00004000
#define PE7_TOUT4 0x00008000
#define PE7_VD7 0x0000C000
#define PE8_OUT 0x00010000
#define PE8_CODECLK 0x00020000
// PCONF: Port F Control Register
#define PF0_IN 0x00000000
#define PF0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PF0_IICSCL 0x00000002
#define PF1_IN 0x00000000
#define PF1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PF1_IICSDA 0x00000008
#define PF2_IN 0x00000000
#define PF2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PF2_nWAIT 0x00000020
#define PF3_IN 0x00000000
#define PF3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PF3_nXBACK 0x00000080
#define PF3_nXDACK0 0x000000C0
#define PF4_IN 0x00000000
#define PF4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PF4_nXBREQ 0x00000200
#define PF4_nXDREQ0 0x00000300
#define PF5_IN 0x00000000
#define PF5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PF5_nRTS1 0x00000800
#define PF5_SIOTxD 0x00000C00
#define PF5_IISLRCK 0x00001000
#define PF6_IN 0x00000000
#define PF6_OUT 0x00002000
#define PF6_TxD1 0x00004000
#define PF6_SIORDY 0x00006000
#define PF6_IISDO 0x00008000
#define PF7_IN 0x00000000
#define PF7_OUT 0x00010000
#define PF7_RxD1 0x00020000
#define PF7_SIORxD 0x00030000
#define PF7_IISDI 0x00040000
#define PF8_IN 0x00000000
#define PF8_OUT 0x00080000
#define PF8_nCTS1 0x00100000
#define PF8_SIOCLK 0x00180000
#define PF8_IISCLK 0x00200000
// PCONG: Port G Control Register
#define PG0_IN 0x00000000
#define PG0_OUT 0x00000001
#define PG0_VD4 0x00000002
#define PG0_EINT0 0x00000003
#define PG1_IN 0x00000000
#define PG1_OUT 0x00000004
#define PG1_VD5 0x00000008
#define PG1_EINT1 0x0000000C
#define PG2_IN 0x00000000
#define PG2_OUT 0x00000010
#define PG2_nCTS0 0x00000020
#define PG2_EINT2 0x00000030
#define PG3_IN 0x00000000
#define PG3_OUT 0x00000040
#define PG3_nRTS0 0x00000080
#define PG3_EINT3 0x000000C0
#define PG4_IN 0x00000000
#define PG4_OUT 0x00000100
#define PG4_IISCLK 0x00000200
#define PG4_EINT4 0x00000300
#define PG5_IN 0x00000000
#define PG5_OUT 0x00000400
#define PG5_IISDI 0x00000800
#define PG5_EINT5 0x00000C00
#define PG6_IN 0x00000000
#define PG6_OUT 0x00001000
#define PG6_IISDO 0x00002000
#define PG6_EINT6 0x00003000
#define PG7_IN 0x00000000
#define PG7_OUT 0x00004000
#define PG7_ISSLRCK 0x00008000
#define PG7_EINT7 0x0000C000
// SPUCR: Special Pull-up Resistor Control Register
#define SPUCR0 0x00000001
#define SPUCR1 0x00000002
#define HZATSTOP 0x00000004
// EXTINT: External Interrupt Control Register
#define EINT0_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT0_HIGH 0x00000001
#define EINT0_FALLING 0x00000002
#define EINT0_RISING 0x00000004
#define EINT0_BOTH 0x00000006
#define EINT1_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT1_HIGH 0x00000010
#define EINT1_FALLING 0x00000020
#define EINT1_RISING 0x00000040
#define EINT1_BOTH 0x00000060
#define EINT2_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT2_HIGH 0x00000100
#define EINT2_FALLING 0x00000200
#define EINT2_RISING 0x00000400
#define EINT2_BOTH 0x00000600
#define EINT3_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT3_HIGH 0x00001000
#define EINT3_FALLING 0x00002000
#define EINT3_RISING 0x00004000
#define EINT3_BOTH 0x00006000
#define EINT4_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT4_HIGH 0x00010000
#define EINT4_FALLING 0x00020000
#define EINT4_RISING 0x00040000
#define EINT4_BOTH 0x00060000
#define EINT5_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT5_HIGH 0x00100000
#define EINT5_FALLING 0x00200000
#define EINT5_RISING 0x00400000
#define EINT5_BOTH 0x00600000
#define EINT6_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT6_HIGH 0x01000000
#define EINT6_FALLING 0x02000000
#define EINT6_RISING 0x04000000
#define EINT6_BOTH 0x06000000
#define EINT7_LOW 0x00000000
#define EINT7_HIGH 0x10000000
#define EINT7_FALLING 0x20000000
#define EINT7_RISING 0x40000000
#define EINT7_BOTH 0x60000000
// EXTINTPND: External Interrupt Pending Register
#define EXTINTPND0 0x00000001
#define EXTINTPND1 0x00000002
#define EXTINTPND2 0x00000004
#define EXTINTPND3 0x00000008
#endif /* __PIO_H */
答 1: re感觉用KEIL做ARM没有ADS爽! 答 2: 使用KEIL+ADS编译器很爽啊用的是PHILIPS的ARM芯片,三星的不熟没怎么用过,可以参加一下周工的网站上的KEIL FOR EASYARM开发板的模块试试
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