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DataAbort 取数据中止DataAbort是什么意思?

B DataAbort
Warning : C2215W: Deprecated declaration RemoveByteFromBuffer1() - give arg types
main.c line 38
Warning : C2215W: Deprecated declaration RemoveByteFromBuffer2() - give arg types
main.c line 40
Warning : C2916W: use of '=' in condition context
main.c line 247
Warning : C2916W: use of '=' in condition context
main.c line 277
C:\Program Files\ARM\doubleuart\src\main.c: 4 warnings, 0 errors, 0 serious errors
Warning : L6329W: .\src\mem_b.scf(line 37, col 13) Pattern *(RW) only matches removed unused sections.
mem_b.scf line 37
Image component sizes
Code RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug
1600 64 0 6184 11892 Object Totals
796 0 0 96 840 Library Totals
Code RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug
2396 64 0 6280 12732 Grand Totals
Total RO Size(Code + RO Data) 2460 ( 2.40kB)
Total RW Size(RW Data + ZI Data) 6280 ( 6.13kB)
Total ROM Size(Code + RO Data + RW Data) 2460 ( 2.40kB)
Finished: 0 information, 1 warning and 0 error messages.
答 1: 是这样的取数据终止是指程序运行时执行了一个取指指令的地址范围不在系统规定存储器范围内!即读取的数据不存在!比如,你执行了MOV R1,0X10000000
B DataAbort
Warning : C2215W: Deprecated declaration RemoveByteFromBuffer1() - give arg types
main.c line 38
Warning : C2215W: Deprecated declaration RemoveByteFromBuffer2() - give arg types
main.c line 40
Warning : C2916W: use of '=' in condition context
main.c line 247
Warning : C2916W: use of '=' in condition context
main.c line 277
C:\Program Files\ARM\doubleuart\src\main.c: 4 warnings, 0 errors, 0 serious errors
Warning : L6329W: .\src\mem_b.scf(line 37, col 13) Pattern *(RW) only matches removed unused sections.
mem_b.scf line 37
Image component sizes
Code RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug
1600 64 0 6184 11892 Object Totals
796 0 0 96 840 Library Totals
Code RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug
2396 64 0 6280 12732 Grand Totals
Total RO Size(Code + RO Data) 2460 ( 2.40kB)
Total RW Size(RW Data + ZI Data) 6280 ( 6.13kB)
Total ROM Size(Code + RO Data + RW Data) 2460 ( 2.40kB)
Finished: 0 information, 1 warning and 0 error messages.
答 1: 是这样的取数据终止是指程序运行时执行了一个取指指令的地址范围不在系统规定存储器范围内!即读取的数据不存在!比如,你执行了MOV R1,0X10000000
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