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quot,ARMRealViewARM,quot,quot,KeilULINKforARM,quo "ARMRealViewARM开发套件"
quot,ARMRealViewARM,quot,quot,KeilULINKforARM,quo "ARMRealViewARM开发套件"和"KeilULINKforARM仿真器"有什么区别
关键词: ARMRealViewARM KeilULINKf
答 1:
REThe RealView Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) is designed for the requirements of MCU users that create embedded software for microcontrollers. MDK-ARM includes device-specific debugging and simulation support, extensive project templates and example firmware, and a memory optimized RTOS Library. It is easy to learn, yet powerful enough for the most demanding microcontroller applications.
The RealView Development Suite (RVDS) is designed for SoC, FPGA, and ASIC users that create complex embedded applications or interface to platform OS components. RVDS supports device designers, includes multi-core debugging support, and generates application code for all ARM and CORTEX CPU core configurations. It provides extensive interfaces to third-party components as well as the ARM ESL tools.
第一个是KEIL公司出的(当然现在被ARM收购了).第二个是ARM公司提供的开发软件. ULINK是第一个软件的配套仿真器.
答 2: hehe.....
The RealView Development Suite (RVDS) is designed for SoC, FPGA, and ASIC users that create complex embedded applications or interface to platform OS components. RVDS supports device designers, includes multi-core debugging support, and generates application code for all ARM and CORTEX CPU core configurations. It provides extensive interfaces to third-party components as well as the ARM ESL tools.
第一个是KEIL公司出的(当然现在被ARM收购了).第二个是ARM公司提供的开发软件. ULINK是第一个软件的配套仿真器.
答 2: hehe.....
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