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require8,preserve8 麻烦板主:require8和preserve8到底怎么回事?
答 1: 自己做答啦,斑竹忙些啥呢?c和汇编有8位对齐的要求,这两个伪指令可以满足此要求,存在REQUIRE8<——> PRESERVE8的对应关系,但不是说有一个REQUIRE8就要有一个 PRESERVE8,如果是一个c文件和一个汇编文件的调用,也就涉及一个PRESERVE8或者是一个REQUIRE8, 以下剪自ADS1.2中PDF,就很清楚,由此可见,最好不要使用LDRD 或 STRD。
LDRD and STRD instructions (double-word transfers) only work correctly if the address they access is 8-byte aligned.
If your code includes LDRD or STRD transfers to or from the stack, use REQUIRE8 to instruct the linker to ensure that your code is only called from objects that preserve 8-byte alignment of the stack.
If your code preserves 8-byte alignment of the stack, use PRESERVE8 to inform the linker.
The linker ensures that any code that requires 8-byte alignment of the stack is only called, directly or indirectly, by code that preserves 8-byte alignment of the stack.
另外,REQUIRE8和PRESERVE8并不完成8 byte 对齐的操作,对齐由ALIGN完成。
答 1: 自己做答啦,斑竹忙些啥呢?c和汇编有8位对齐的要求,这两个伪指令可以满足此要求,存在REQUIRE8<——> PRESERVE8的对应关系,但不是说有一个REQUIRE8就要有一个 PRESERVE8,如果是一个c文件和一个汇编文件的调用,也就涉及一个PRESERVE8或者是一个REQUIRE8, 以下剪自ADS1.2中PDF,就很清楚,由此可见,最好不要使用LDRD 或 STRD。
LDRD and STRD instructions (double-word transfers) only work correctly if the address they access is 8-byte aligned.
If your code includes LDRD or STRD transfers to or from the stack, use REQUIRE8 to instruct the linker to ensure that your code is only called from objects that preserve 8-byte alignment of the stack.
If your code preserves 8-byte alignment of the stack, use PRESERVE8 to inform the linker.
The linker ensures that any code that requires 8-byte alignment of the stack is only called, directly or indirectly, by code that preserves 8-byte alignment of the stack.
另外,REQUIRE8和PRESERVE8并不完成8 byte 对齐的操作,对齐由ALIGN完成。
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