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JTAG 请问如果的电路板不需要使用JTAG接口,

2006-09-17 18:14:16     打赏
JTAG 请问如果的电路板不需要使用JTAG接口,

关键词: 请问     如果     电路板     不需要     使用     接口    

2006-12-22 22:43:00     打赏
问 对应接口上的一堆上拉和下拉电阻可以不安装吗?我只使用串口下载调试不用JTAG 1: 一般不能省。除非数据手册上说了,里面有内部电阻可以不外接。 2: 我见datasheet上这样写的On the LPC2101/02/03, the pins TMS, TCK, TDI, TDO, AND TRST are multiplexed with P0.27 - P0.31. To have them come up as a Debug port, connect a weak bias resistor (4.7-10 kΩ depending on the external JTAG circuitry) between VSS and the RTCK pin. To have them come up as GPIO pins, do not connect a bias resistor, and ensure that any external driver connected to Pin 26 (RTCK) is either driving high or is in high-impedance state during Reset.
如果按上面的说法是可以不用的 3: 作为GPIO时,不是不用接,而是不要接。如果要TMS,TCK,TDI,TDO,TRST作为GPIO时,RTCK要不就悬空,要不就接一个上拉电阻。

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