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20A,10A 2.20A/3.10A编译器的困惑
Building configuration: HMS0716 - Debug
4 bytes of CODE memory
Errors: none
Warnings: none
6 964 bytes of CODE memory
824 bytes of CONST memory
97 bytes of DATA memory (+ 10 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 6
878 bytes of CODE memory
1 byte of CONST memory
28 bytes of DATA memory (+ 25 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 6
128 bytes of CODE memory
0 bytes of DATA memory (+ 1 byte shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 5
1 078 bytes of CODE memory
Errors: none
Warnings: 6
7 074 bytes of CODE memory
4 bytes of DATA memory (+ 1 byte shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 39
1 648 bytes of CODE memory
8 bytes of DATA memory (+ 10 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 1
484 bytes of CODE memory
0 bytes of DATA memory (+ 42 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 3
8 116 bytes of CODE memory
41 bytes of CONST memory
7 bytes of DATA memory
Errors: none
Warnings: 8
2 706 bytes of CODE memory
21 bytes of DATA memory (+ 14 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 4
2 370 bytes of CODE memory
37 bytes of CONST memory
2 bytes of DATA memory (+ 6 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 6
594 bytes of CODE memory
31 bytes of CONST memory
0 bytes of DATA memory (+ 14 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 1
8 714 bytes of CODE memory
225 bytes of CONST memory
13 bytes of DATA memory (+ 5 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 8
396 bytes of CODE memory
8 bytes of CONST memory
8 bytes of DATA memory (+ 6 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 4
4 650 bytes of CODE memory
96 bytes of CONST memory
0 bytes of DATA memory (+ 10 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 8
3 322 bytes of CODE memory
2 bytes of CONST memory
4 bytes of DATA memory (+ 24 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 7
24 bytes of CONST memory
795 bytes of DATA memory
Errors: none
Warnings: none
4 476 bytes of CODE memory
25 bytes of DATA memory (+ 6 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 11
icc430.exe -I D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\INC\ -I D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\INC\CLIB\ -o D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\ -z2 --no_cse --no_unroll
--no_inline --no_code_motion --debug -e --double=32 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\ziku.c
IAR MSP430 C Compiler V2.20A/W32
Copyright 1996-2003 IAR Systems. All rights reserved.
7 426 bytes of CONST memory
Errors: none
Warnings: none
xlink.exe D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\Lowinit.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\USBModel.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\adc.r43 D:\
chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\base.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\browse.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\diagnose.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\
0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\flashp.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\g20module.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\interface.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\
2.20A\Debug\Obj\key.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\lcd.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\rtc.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\send.r43
D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\subroutine.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\test.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\tysw.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\
0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\variable.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\watch.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\ziku.r43 -o D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\
Debug\Exe\HMS0716.d43 -rt -l D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\List\HMS0716.map -xms -ID:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\LIB\ -f D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\
430\config\lnk430F149.xcl D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\lib\cl430f.r43 -e_small_write=_formatted_write -e_medium_read=_formatted_read -f D:\Program Files\IAR
Systems\430\config\multiplier.xcl -f D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\config\compactmath.xcl
IAR Universal Linker V4.55H/386
Copyright 1987-2003 IAR Systems. All rights reserved.
50 738 bytes of CODE memory
1 071 bytes of DATA memory (+ 87 absolute )
3 783 bytes of CONST memory
Errors: none
Warnings: none
Total number of errors: 0
Total number of warnings: 123
ziku.c已经占用了7426字节CONST Memory。结果连接的时候CONST Memory才3783字节???大家知道是怎么回事吗?我用1.26B编译时就没有问题。 答 1: 结果液晶显示的都是乱码 答 2: 请版主和各位高手帮帮忙,很急啊!!! 答 3: IAR编译器版本兼容性问题,要么贴出程序或到 www.lierda.com 网站下载AQ的试试。 答 4: 请问张冲:
要怎么解决版本兼容性问题? 答 5: 引用: 答 6: 是啊!这是IAR编译器本身的问题,目前还没有好的途径,我现在就用AQ430。 答 7: 怎么这样啊?看来IAR的也不好用的 答 8: char ziku_data[];
int i=ziku_data[0]; //强制访问一下就可以了
} 答 9: 好的,我试一下,不过我定义好多数组,岂不是都得走一遍?
Building configuration: HMS0716 - Debug
4 bytes of CODE memory
Errors: none
Warnings: none
6 964 bytes of CODE memory
824 bytes of CONST memory
97 bytes of DATA memory (+ 10 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 6
878 bytes of CODE memory
1 byte of CONST memory
28 bytes of DATA memory (+ 25 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 6
128 bytes of CODE memory
0 bytes of DATA memory (+ 1 byte shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 5
1 078 bytes of CODE memory
Errors: none
Warnings: 6
7 074 bytes of CODE memory
4 bytes of DATA memory (+ 1 byte shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 39
1 648 bytes of CODE memory
8 bytes of DATA memory (+ 10 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 1
484 bytes of CODE memory
0 bytes of DATA memory (+ 42 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 3
8 116 bytes of CODE memory
41 bytes of CONST memory
7 bytes of DATA memory
Errors: none
Warnings: 8
2 706 bytes of CODE memory
21 bytes of DATA memory (+ 14 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 4
2 370 bytes of CODE memory
37 bytes of CONST memory
2 bytes of DATA memory (+ 6 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 6
594 bytes of CODE memory
31 bytes of CONST memory
0 bytes of DATA memory (+ 14 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 1
8 714 bytes of CODE memory
225 bytes of CONST memory
13 bytes of DATA memory (+ 5 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 8
396 bytes of CODE memory
8 bytes of CONST memory
8 bytes of DATA memory (+ 6 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 4
4 650 bytes of CODE memory
96 bytes of CONST memory
0 bytes of DATA memory (+ 10 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 8
3 322 bytes of CODE memory
2 bytes of CONST memory
4 bytes of DATA memory (+ 24 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 7
24 bytes of CONST memory
795 bytes of DATA memory
Errors: none
Warnings: none
4 476 bytes of CODE memory
25 bytes of DATA memory (+ 6 bytes shared)
Errors: none
Warnings: 11
icc430.exe -I D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\INC\ -I D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\INC\CLIB\ -o D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\ -z2 --no_cse --no_unroll
--no_inline --no_code_motion --debug -e --double=32 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\ziku.c
IAR MSP430 C Compiler V2.20A/W32
Copyright 1996-2003 IAR Systems. All rights reserved.
7 426 bytes of CONST memory
Errors: none
Warnings: none
xlink.exe D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\Lowinit.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\USBModel.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\adc.r43 D:\
chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\base.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\browse.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\diagnose.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\
0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\flashp.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\g20module.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\interface.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\
2.20A\Debug\Obj\key.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\lcd.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\rtc.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\send.r43
D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\subroutine.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\test.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\tysw.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\
0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\variable.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\watch.r43 D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\Obj\ziku.r43 -o D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\
Debug\Exe\HMS0716.d43 -rt -l D:\chenjp\HMS\0716\2.20A\Debug\List\HMS0716.map -xms -ID:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\LIB\ -f D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\
430\config\lnk430F149.xcl D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\lib\cl430f.r43 -e_small_write=_formatted_write -e_medium_read=_formatted_read -f D:\Program Files\IAR
Systems\430\config\multiplier.xcl -f D:\Program Files\IAR Systems\430\config\compactmath.xcl
IAR Universal Linker V4.55H/386
Copyright 1987-2003 IAR Systems. All rights reserved.
50 738 bytes of CODE memory
1 071 bytes of DATA memory (+ 87 absolute )
3 783 bytes of CONST memory
Errors: none
Warnings: none
Total number of errors: 0
Total number of warnings: 123
ziku.c已经占用了7426字节CONST Memory。结果连接的时候CONST Memory才3783字节???大家知道是怎么回事吗?我用1.26B编译时就没有问题。 答 1: 结果液晶显示的都是乱码 答 2: 请版主和各位高手帮帮忙,很急啊!!! 答 3: IAR编译器版本兼容性问题,要么贴出程序或到 www.lierda.com 网站下载AQ的试试。 答 4: 请问张冲:
要怎么解决版本兼容性问题? 答 5: 引用: 答 6: 是啊!这是IAR编译器本身的问题,目前还没有好的途径,我现在就用AQ430。 答 7: 怎么这样啊?看来IAR的也不好用的 答 8: char ziku_data[];
int i=ziku_data[0]; //强制访问一下就可以了
} 答 9: 好的,我试一下,不过我定义好多数组,岂不是都得走一遍?
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