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我公司基于多年在GSM/GPRS/GPS的技术开发经验,目前我公司开发的EVQ2501开发板能最大限度并且以最快速度,满足国内用户开发基于Q2501的广泛的应用产品,同时推出MSP430 +Q2501+CAN总线+4路光电隔离输入+4路大林顿驱动输出的车载方案。
电话:010-62215560 传真:010-62241851
Q2501 - All-In-One GSM/GPRS/GPS Start Kit
Wavecom Q2501 is the only one integrated GPRS class 10 and 16-channel GPS in a single module (58x32x6 mm). Q2501 weighs less than 15g. The module has full automotive environmental qualification approval, and is also GCF and R&TTE compliant.
We developed the EVQ2501 Start Kit in 2004. It CAN help customers to develop and implement advanced and high-performance wireless automotive systems, providing a complete suite of hardware, software, development tools and services for automotive applications.
Please contact us by the following way.
Tel: (08610) - 62215560
Fax: (08610) - 62241851
Email: micao@sohu.com
答 1: Q2501模块多少钱啊?07550@126.com 答 2: 对主要是价格 如果一个GPS模块 + 一个GSM模块 比你的便宜10元以上,你就没戏了!!!
我公司基于多年在GSM/GPRS/GPS的技术开发经验,目前我公司开发的EVQ2501开发板能最大限度并且以最快速度,满足国内用户开发基于Q2501的广泛的应用产品,同时推出MSP430 +Q2501+CAN总线+4路光电隔离输入+4路大林顿驱动输出的车载方案。
电话:010-62215560 传真:010-62241851
Q2501 - All-In-One GSM/GPRS/GPS Start Kit
Wavecom Q2501 is the only one integrated GPRS class 10 and 16-channel GPS in a single module (58x32x6 mm). Q2501 weighs less than 15g. The module has full automotive environmental qualification approval, and is also GCF and R&TTE compliant.
We developed the EVQ2501 Start Kit in 2004. It CAN help customers to develop and implement advanced and high-performance wireless automotive systems, providing a complete suite of hardware, software, development tools and services for automotive applications.
Please contact us by the following way.
Tel: (08610) - 62215560
Fax: (08610) - 62241851
Email: micao@sohu.com
答 1: Q2501模块多少钱啊?07550@126.com 答 2: 对主要是价格 如果一个GPS模块 + 一个GSM模块 比你的便宜10元以上,你就没戏了!!!
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