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W78E58,ISP 谁作过W78E58的ISP功能的单片机部分程序啊?
请问F04KBOOT Mode 是干什么的?
By default, the W78E58B boots from APROM program after a power on reset. On some occasions, user CAN force the W78E58B to boot from the LDROM program via following settings. The possible situation that you need to enter F04KBOOT mode when the APROM program CAN not run properly and device CAN not jump back to LDROM to execute in-system programming function. Then you CAN use this F04KBOOT mode to force the W78E58B jumps to LDROM and executes in-system programming procedure. When you design your system, you may reserve the pins P2.6, P2.7 to switches or jumpers. For example in a CD-ROM system, you CAN connect the P2.6 and P2.7 to PLAY and EJECT buttons on the panel. When the APROM program fails to execute the normal application program. User CAN press both two buttons at the same time and then turn on the power of the personal computer to force the W78E58B to enter the F04KBOOT mode. After power on of personal computer, you CAN release both buttons and finish the in-system programming procedure to update the APROM code. In application system design, user must take care of the P2, P3, ALE, EA and PSEN pin value at reset to prevent from accidentally activating the programming mode or F04KBOOT mode. 答 1: datasheet 都没有看懂!兄弟:
我劝你把资料先看懂再来!都没有读完就到这里乱说!唉,电子业的悲哀! 答 2: 回复在一般情况下,程序从APROM执行,而如果在程序需要升级的情况下,程序可以直接从APROM跳到LDROM中,执行更新APROM的程序。如果APROM的程序不能完成跳转的动作的话,可以在上电的同时将P4.3或(P2.6和P2.7同时)拉低。这样程序就在LDROM上执行,也就可以更新程序了。 答 3: 是这样的,搞清楚了W78E58B内部的0000H-7FFFH的地址空间是APROM,8000开始的以后4K是LDROM,先写好ISP程序,烧到8000以后的LDROM之中,就可以了,程序每次默认从APROM启动,要进入LDROM进行ISP下载,有两种办法,软件的与硬件的:硬件的是让
P26=P27=0,软件的是给 CHPCON,CHPENT赋予一定的值就可以了。要完成ISP功能还要写一个后台的软件,单片机部分的程序好象可以到单片机开发网
www.mcurd.com 上面下载了。
答 4: 收集
By default, the W78E58B boots from APROM program after a power on reset. On some occasions, user CAN force the W78E58B to boot from the LDROM program via following settings. The possible situation that you need to enter F04KBOOT mode when the APROM program CAN not run properly and device CAN not jump back to LDROM to execute in-system programming function. Then you CAN use this F04KBOOT mode to force the W78E58B jumps to LDROM and executes in-system programming procedure. When you design your system, you may reserve the pins P2.6, P2.7 to switches or jumpers. For example in a CD-ROM system, you CAN connect the P2.6 and P2.7 to PLAY and EJECT buttons on the panel. When the APROM program fails to execute the normal application program. User CAN press both two buttons at the same time and then turn on the power of the personal computer to force the W78E58B to enter the F04KBOOT mode. After power on of personal computer, you CAN release both buttons and finish the in-system programming procedure to update the APROM code. In application system design, user must take care of the P2, P3, ALE, EA and PSEN pin value at reset to prevent from accidentally activating the programming mode or F04KBOOT mode. 答 1: datasheet 都没有看懂!兄弟:
我劝你把资料先看懂再来!都没有读完就到这里乱说!唉,电子业的悲哀! 答 2: 回复在一般情况下,程序从APROM执行,而如果在程序需要升级的情况下,程序可以直接从APROM跳到LDROM中,执行更新APROM的程序。如果APROM的程序不能完成跳转的动作的话,可以在上电的同时将P4.3或(P2.6和P2.7同时)拉低。这样程序就在LDROM上执行,也就可以更新程序了。 答 3: 是这样的,搞清楚了W78E58B内部的0000H-7FFFH的地址空间是APROM,8000开始的以后4K是LDROM,先写好ISP程序,烧到8000以后的LDROM之中,就可以了,程序每次默认从APROM启动,要进入LDROM进行ISP下载,有两种办法,软件的与硬件的:硬件的是让
P26=P27=0,软件的是给 CHPCON,CHPENT赋予一定的值就可以了。要完成ISP功能还要写一个后台的软件,单片机部分的程序好象可以到单片机开发网
www.mcurd.com 上面下载了。
答 4: 收集
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