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uclinux,usb uclinux usb驱动开发问题

hub.c: new USB device sl811-1, assigned address 2
Manufacturer: Eastman Kodak Company
Product: KODAK EasyShare DX6340 Zoom Digital Camera
SerialNumber: KCKCJ35203020
USB.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x40a/0x570) is not claimed by any active driver.
Length = 18
DescriptorType = 01
USB version = 2.00
Vendor:Product = 040a:0570
MaxPacketSize0 = 8
NumConfigurations = 1
Device version = 1.00
Device Class:SubClass:Protocol = 00:00:00
Per-interface classes
bLength = 9
bDescriptorType = 02
wTotalLength = 0027
bNumInterfaces = 01
bConfigurationValue = 01
iConfiguration = 00
bmAttributes = c0
MaxPower = 2mA
Interface: 0
Alternate Setting: 0
bLength = 9
bDescriptorType = 04
bInterfaceNumber = 00
bAlternateSetting = 00
bNumEndpoints = 03
bInterface Class:SubClass:Protocol = 06:01:01
iInterface = 00
bLength = 7
bDescriptorType = 05
bEndpointAddress = 01 (out)
bmAttributes = 02 (Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize = 0040
bInterval = 00
bLength = 7
bDescriptorType = 05
bEndpointAddress = 81 (in)
bmAttributes = 02 (Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize = 0040
bInterval = 00
bLength = 7
bDescriptorType = 05
bEndpointAddress = 82 (in)
bmAttributes = 03 (Interrupt)
wMaxPacketSize = 0008
bInterval = 10
谢谢。 答 1: 没有找到匹配驱动 We now walk the list of registered USB drivers,
looking for one that will accept this interface.
"New Style" drivers use a table describing the devices and interfaces
they handle. Those tables are available to user mode tools deciding
whether to load driver modules for a new device.
hub.c: new USB device sl811-1, assigned address 2
Manufacturer: Eastman Kodak Company
Product: KODAK EasyShare DX6340 Zoom Digital Camera
SerialNumber: KCKCJ35203020
USB.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x40a/0x570) is not claimed by any active driver.
Length = 18
DescriptorType = 01
USB version = 2.00
Vendor:Product = 040a:0570
MaxPacketSize0 = 8
NumConfigurations = 1
Device version = 1.00
Device Class:SubClass:Protocol = 00:00:00
Per-interface classes
bLength = 9
bDescriptorType = 02
wTotalLength = 0027
bNumInterfaces = 01
bConfigurationValue = 01
iConfiguration = 00
bmAttributes = c0
MaxPower = 2mA
Interface: 0
Alternate Setting: 0
bLength = 9
bDescriptorType = 04
bInterfaceNumber = 00
bAlternateSetting = 00
bNumEndpoints = 03
bInterface Class:SubClass:Protocol = 06:01:01
iInterface = 00
bLength = 7
bDescriptorType = 05
bEndpointAddress = 01 (out)
bmAttributes = 02 (Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize = 0040
bInterval = 00
bLength = 7
bDescriptorType = 05
bEndpointAddress = 81 (in)
bmAttributes = 02 (Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize = 0040
bInterval = 00
bLength = 7
bDescriptorType = 05
bEndpointAddress = 82 (in)
bmAttributes = 03 (Interrupt)
wMaxPacketSize = 0008
bInterval = 10
谢谢。 答 1: 没有找到匹配驱动 We now walk the list of registered USB drivers,
looking for one that will accept this interface.
"New Style" drivers use a table describing the devices and interfaces
they handle. Those tables are available to user mode tools deciding
whether to load driver modules for a new device.
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