--利用FPGA驱动LCD显示中文字符"年"的VHDL程序。 --文件名 :lcd1602.vhd。 --功能 : FGAD驱动LCD显示中文字符"年"。 --最后修改日期 :2006.08.28。
library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity LCD1602 is Port ( Clk : in std_logic; --状态机时钟信号,同时也是液晶时钟信号,其周期应该满足液晶数据的建立时间 Reset:in std_logic; LCD_RS : out std_logic; --寄存器选择信号 LCD_RW : out std_logic; --液晶读写信号 LCD_EN : out std_logic; --液晶时钟信号 LED : out std_logic; LCD_Data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); --液晶数据信号 end LCD1602;
architecture Behavioral of LCD1602 is type state is (set_dlnf,set_cursor,set_dcb,set_cgram,write_cgram,set_ddram,write_LCD_Data); signal Current_State:state; type ram2 is array(0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); constant cgram:ram2:=( ("00001000"), ("00001111"), ("00010010"), ("00001111"), ("00001010"), ("00011111"), ("00000010"), ("00000010"));--年字符数据存储器 signal Clkk : std_logic; signal Count : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0); signal Clk_Out : std_logic; signal LCD_Clk : std_logic; begin LCD_EN <= Clk_Out ; --液晶时钟信号 LED <= Clk_Out; LCD_RW <= '0' ; --写数据 clock : process(Clk,Reset) begin if(Reset = '0')then Count <= (others => '0'); elsif(rising_edge(clk))then Count <= Count + 1; if(Count = 0)then Clk_Out <= not Clk_Out; end if; end if; LCD_Clk <= Clk_Out; end process; control: process(LCD_Clk,Reset,Current_State) --液晶驱动控制器 variable cnt1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin if Reset='0'then Current_State<=set_dlnf; cnt1:=(others => '1'); LCD_RS<='0'; elsif rising_edge(LCD_Clk)then Current_State <= Current_State ; LCD_RS <= '0'; case Current_State is when set_dlnf=> LCD_Data<="00111100";--3cH Current_State<=set_cursor; when set_cursor=> LCD_Data<="00000110";--06H Current_State<=set_dcb; when set_dcb=> LCD_Data<="00001111";--0fH Current_State<=set_cgram; when set_cgram=> LCD_Data<="01000000";--40H Current_State<=write_cgram; when write_cgram=> --向CGRAM中写入"年" LCD_RS<='1'; cnt1:=cnt1+1; LCD_Data<=cgram(conv_integer(cnt1)); if cnt1 = "111" then Current_State<=set_ddram; end if; when set_ddram=> --从第一行的起始地址开始显示 LCD_Data<="10000000";--80H Current_State<=write_LCD_Data; when write_LCD_Data=> LCD_RS<='1'; LCD_Data<="00000000"; --写入字符"年" when others => null; end case; end if; end process; end Behavioral;