2007-04-18 08:36:22 星期三 分析技术的未来 分析技术的未来方进(Gene Frantz)德州仪器(TI)首席科学家可编程的智能摄像头提供高级智能分析功能,是支持新一代安全与汽车应用的重要技术。智能摄像头将不断收集、处理我们周围的信息,并自动采取行动,这样我们就可抽出时间来做其它的工作。如果有人在凌晨一点翻过围墙闯入,那么摄像头将自动识别出这个人的身份,到底是自家的孩子偷偷回家,还是想把电视机搬走的小偷。在机场或其他公共场所,摄像头能判断出被人遗留的包裹,并联系相关管理部门。在街头,摄像头能减少警方与其它应急机构的工作量。在汽车中,摄像头也可发挥安全功能,甚至最终实现自动驾驶。目前,我们考虑视频分析时,通常将最终用户设想为某个人。我们认为某个人会接收到一定存储容量的信息,其中包括各种压缩与复制数据。不过未来分析技术的最终用户将是一台电脑,到时候数据是否压缩将根本不重要了,图像是否清楚也无关紧要,对一台设备来说,某个像素不清楚就像一粒无足轻重的尘埃一样可以忽略。到时候,分析技术的重点不再是数据,而是以智能为中心,这是技术的一大进步,不仅涉及到技术过渡,还涉及到社会行为的变化。人们可能还不太习惯让机器在无人干预情况下作出重要决策。我......票数(1)
2007-04-02 10:18:38 星期一 DSP’s Past Can’t Hold A Candle to its Future DSP’s Past Can’t Hold A Candle to its FutureBy Gene FrantzTI Principal Fellow and Business Development Manager, DSPHas it really been 25 years? Can it be possible that TI’s digital signal processing technology is old enough to rent a car and appear in a light beer commercial? In 1982, the semiconductor market saw the first viable digital signal processor shipped. Over the ensuing 25 years a paradox has arisen. As they’ve aged, DSPs have grown smarter, faster and more agile while I have grown sl......票数(2)
2007-03-23 11:43:32 星期五 The Next 25 Years Forward an speech from Mike HamesThe Next 25 YearsBy Mike HamesTI Senior Vice PresidentI had the chance this morning, at TI’s fifth annual Developer Conference, to get together with about 1000 engineers who are using TI Digital Signal Processing technology to create unique and exciting electronics products. As you may know, this is the 25th anniversary of the first commercially successful digital signal processing. And as someone who was there at the beginning, I am pleased to join the conferen......票数(1)
2006-12-12 16:22:20 星期二 What is new with SoCs What is new with SoCsBy Gene FrantzTI Principal Fellow and Business Development Manager, DSPAnother comment we received recently was from Shreshtha Kumar, questioning all of our hype around DaVinci technology and what is new about it. Again this is something, I wanted to talk to and as always I welcome your feedback on my thoughts. Kumar wrote, “SOC concept is not new. It is here for quite a few years but it complex nature sticts (sic) its rapid development. Here comes DaVinci for rescue.”DaVin......票数(2)
2006-12-04 13:21:45 星期一 What Moore Didn’t Tell Us about ICs What Moore Didn’t Tell Us about ICsBy Gene FrantzTI Principal Fellow and Business Development Manager, DSPNow that we’ve painted some broad strokes about SoCs and the applications that use them, I’d like to take a step back and fill in some of the gaps. Three questions that keep us up at night: What are the physics that are driving the move to SoCs? How do we stay ahead of the limitations of those physics? And, just what are SoCs, anyway? My next few postings will attempt to answer these.Let’s ......票数(1)
2006-11-29 13:19:55 星期三 Is There a Consumer Breaking Point In Terms Of Convergence? Is There a Consumer Breaking Point In Terms Of Convergence? Question: Is technology driving the move towards convergence or are manufacturers and technology suppliers simply responding to artificial market demand and expectations? Answer: We can’t be positive one way or the other. All we know for sure is that consumers want better cameras, better video, VoIP, and WLAN, and they are running out of pockets. So it only makes sense to build convergent multifunctional devices. But there are also con......票数(0)
2006-11-27 13:51:22 星期一 How Small is Too Small? How Small is Too Small?By Gene FrantzTI Principal Fellow and Business Development Manager, DSPAs I have stated, the use of SoC will increase as we are able to pack more and more converging technologies into a single portable device. But simply because we can integrate doesn’t mean we should do it. It will not always be practical to do, nor will it be the right thing to do. Beyond the fact that color displays are the de facto standard for all portable equipment, nothing else concerning displays ......票数(0)
2006-11-21 09:06:11 星期二 SoCs Are Answering Demand for Converged Portable Devices SoCs Are Answering Demand for Converged Portable DevicesBy Gene FrantzTI Principal Fellow and Business Development Manager, DSPIn my last blog, I wrote about the trend for application designers to create new products on existing SoC platforms like TI’s DaVinci technology. While this seems to turn the supply/demand paradigm on its head, the opposite is true. Let me give you a couple examples.The demand for multifunctional portable equipment featuring convergent technologies is driving several ma......票数(0)
2006-11-16 16:38:01 星期四 Architecture or Application? Architecture or Application?By Gene FrantzTI Principal Fellow and Business Development Manager, DSPAre applications driving architecture design, or are architecture designs driving applications? Seems like a heretical chicken-and-egg question from a business standpoint. Our customers design applications, therefore their needs are paramount and our architectures should address those needs – they demand we supply: business 101.But the realities of the semiconductor industry, namely the cost of cr......