Note: In this driver, basic read and write functions (sEE_ReadBuffer()
* and sEE_WritePage()) use the DMA to perform the data transfer
* to/from EEPROM memory (except when number of requested data is
* equal to 1). Thus, after calling these two functions, user
* application may perform other tasks while DMA is transferring
* data. The application should then monitor the variable holding
* the number of data in order to determine when the transfer is
* completed (variable decremented to 0). Stopping transfer tasks
* are performed into DMA interrupt handlers (which are integrated
* into this driver).
* and sEE_WritePage()) use the DMA to perform the data transfer
* to/from EEPROM memory (except when number of requested data is
* equal to 1). Thus, after calling these two functions, user
* application may perform other tasks while DMA is transferring
* data. The application should then monitor the variable holding
* the number of data in order to determine when the transfer is
* completed (variable decremented to 0). Stopping transfer tasks
* are performed into DMA interrupt handlers (which are integrated
* into this driver).
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