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Avoid Design Misinterpretations that Put System Operation in Jeopardy

2012-04-12 12:48:04     打赏
Avoid Design Misinterpretations that Put System Operation in Jeopardy

关键词: noise, inexperienced, clean power, ground planes, impedance DC, level matching, power supply, decoupling capacitors, analog to digital converters, ADC, DAC, signal processing, board layout, bounce, radio resonance, antenna, wavelength, parts misuse

Abstract: Humans are unusual creatures because sometimes partial knowledge, ego, and misplaced confidence are more dangerous than no knowledge of a subject. With electronic design, misinterpretations and misunderstandings can lead to circuits that fail to function as expected. To an inexperienced designer, some circuits look like they should work. Meanwhile, the experienced engineer cringes, wondering how someone can get themselves in such a fix. This application note presents three case studies that illustrate how some simple analysis and a proper understanding of the laws of physics can educate designers to avoid similar issues in future designs.

 Avoid Design Misinterpretations that Put System Operation in Jeopardy.pdf

关键词: Avoid     Design     Misinterpret    

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