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2012-05-18 20:55:24     打赏


node[1].smua.source.func = node[1].smua.OUTPUT _ DCVOLTS

node[1].smua.source.levelv = 0


MASTER = node[1] --Alias indicating control is via Node 1

SLAVE = node[2] --Node 2 is controlled by MASTER via TSP-Link

IOUT1 = MASTER.smua --Alias for SMU measuring current output #1

--IOUT1 is equivalent to node[1].smua

IOUT2 = MASTER.smub --Alias for SMU measuring current output #2

--IOUT2 is equivalent to node[1].smub

DIO = MASTER.digio --Alias for Digital I/O of 2602 #1

--DIO is equivalent to node[1].digio

VPLUS = SLAVE.smua --Alias for SMU supplying V+ and measuring current draw

--VPLUS is equivalent to node[2].smua

VREF = SLAVE.smub --Alias for SMU supplying reference voltage (Vref)

--VREF is equivalent to node[2].smub



IOUT1.source.levelv = 0

通常,脚本语言[3]不需要明确变量。根据对其的赋值,它们被声明和定义为定义“on the fly”。但表格(也就是数组)除外, 它们必须定义数据类型定义数据类型。所有变量都是全局的,除非明确声明为本地的。在代码片段出现以下“常数”:

Vref = 10 --Use +10VDC reference voltage

IoutMax = 0.002 --Max expected current output

Nplc = 0.001 --Integration time for SMU A-to-D converters (in terms of power line cycles)

Nbits = 8 --Number of DAC control bits (digital inputs)

Ncodes = 2^Nbits --Number of possible control codes

MaxCode = Ncodes - 1 --Decimal equivalent of full-scale code (255 for 8-bit DAC)

Lsb = Vref / MaxCode --Nominal value of least significant bit

在开始实际测试序列之前,一般要对仪器进行某些初始设置。在我们的示例中,初始设置包括设置源函数及范围、测量函数及范围、电压检测模式等等。所有这4个-测量单元[4]的配置都是类似的。对于节点1的SMU A,某些设置命令如下:

MASTER.reset() --Reset all Node 1 logical instruments to default settings

IOUT1.sense = IOUT1.SENSE_REMOTE --Use REMOTE (4-wire) voltage sensing

IOUT1.source.func = IOUT1.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS --Configure SMU to source DCV

IOUT1.source.rangev = 0 --Set voltage source ranges;

--2602 picks appropriate range based on programmed value

IOUT1.source.levelv = 0 --To measure current, source zero volts on lowest range

IOUT1.source.limiti = 1.2 * IoutMax --Set current compliance limit (20% over max)

IOUT1.measure.nplc = Nplc --Set integration times for all measurements

IOUT1.measure.autozero = IOUT1.AUTOZERO_AUTO --Autozero for max accuracy;

IOUT1.measure.rangei = IoutMax --Set up current measurement range; Measurement

--range for source function fixed at source range val

IOUT1.measure.filter.type = IOUT1.FILTER_REPEAT_AVG --Use REPEAT filter

IOUT1.measure.filter.count = 5 --Reading will be average of 5 consecutive measurements

IOUT1.measure.filter.enable = IOUT1.FILTER_ON --Enable Node 1 SMU A digital filter

--Set measurement parameters the 2602s will display (if display is enabled)

--Displays can be disabled to improve test speed

MASTER.display.screen = MASTER.display.SMUA_SMUB --Digital port isn’t affected by reset so user must set desired initial state

DIO.writeport(0) --Set all digital control bits to zero

DIO.writeprotect(16128) --Write protect bits 9 through 14, which are reserved for

--component handler control in this example.

关键词: 吉时     讲堂     数字     源表     测试     脚本     两个     典型         

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