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; File Name: x24x.h
; Description: x24x Peripheral Registers + other useful definitions
; Target: x240/3, x/2407
;====================================================================;; Select the target device by setting 1
x240 .set 0 ; C/F240
x243 .set 1 ; C/F243
x2407 .set 0 ; F2407
;For F2407EVM only
;Select PLL multiplication ratio
x2_PLL .set 1
x4_PLL .set 0
; On Chip Periperal Register Definitions
;C2xx Core Registers
IMR .set 0004h ; Int Mask
GREG .set 0005h ; Global memory allocation
IFR .set 0006h ; Int Flag
ABRPT .set 01fh ; Analysis BreakPoint
WSGR .set 0FFFFh ; Wait State Control (IO space mapped)
;System Module Registers
PIRQR0 .set 7010h ; Peripheral Interrupt Request Reg0(241/2/3,240x only)
PIRQR1 .set 7011h ; Peripheral Interrupt Request Reg1(241/2/3,240x only)
PIRQR2 .set 7012h ; Peripheral Interrupt Request Reg2(240x)
SYSCR .set 7018h ; System Control (X240 only)
SYSSR .set 701Ah ; System Status (X240 only)
SYSIVR .set 701Eh ; System Int Vector (X240 only)
SSCR .set 7018h ; System Stat & Contr (X241/2/3 only)
PIVR .set 701Eh ; Periph Int Vector (X241/2/3 only)
SCSR1 .set 07018h ; System contr & stat 1 (240x only)
SCSR2 .set 07019h ; System contr & stat 2 (240x only)
DIN .set 0701Ch ; Device Identification Register
; External interrupt configuration registers
XINT1CR240 .set 7070h ; Int1 (type A) config (X240 only)
XINT2CR240 .set 7078h ; Int2 (type C) config (X240 only)
XINT3CR240 .set 707Ah ; Int3 (type C) config (X240 only)
NMICR .set 7072h ; NMI (type A) config (X240 only)
XINT1CR .set 7070h ; Int1 config. X241/2/3, (X240x only)
XINT2CR .set 7071h ; Int2 config. X241/2/3, (X240x only)
XINT1_CNTL .set 07070h ;Int1 (type A) Control reg
NMI_CNTL .set 07072h ;Non maskable Int (type A) Control reg
XINT2_CNTL .set 07078h ;Int2 (type C) Control reg
XINT3_CNTL .set 0707Ah ;Int3 (type C) Control reg
; PLL configuration registers - X240 only
CKCR0 .set 702ah ; PLL Clock Control 0 (X240 only)
CKCR1 .set 702ch ; PLL Clock Control 1 (X240 only)
;Digital I/O
OCRA .set 07090h ; Output Control A
MCRA .set 07090h ;I/O Mux Control Reg A
OCRB .set 07092h ; Output Control B
MCRB .set 07092h ;I/O Mux Control Reg B
OCRC .set 07094h ; Output control C (X240x only)
ISRA .set 7094h ; Input Status A (X240 only)
ISRB .set 7096h ; Input Status B (X240 only)
IPSRA .set 07094h ;Input Status Reg A
IPSRB .set 07096h ;Input Status Reg B
PADATDIR .set 07098h ; I/O port A Data & Direction
PBDATDIR .set 0709Ah ; I/O port B Data & Direction
PCDATDIR .set 0709Ch ; I/O port C Data & Direction
PDDATDIR .set 0709Eh ;I/O port D Data & Direction reg.
PEDATDIR .set 07095h ; I/O port D Data & Direction
PFDATDIR .set 07096h ; I/O port D Data & Direction
;Watch-Dog(WD) / Real Time Int(RTI) / Phase Lock Loop(PLL) Registers
RTI_CNTR .set 07021h ; RTI Counter reg
WD_CNTR .set 07023h ; WD Counter reg
WD_KEY .set 07025h ; WD Key reg
RTI_CNTL .set 07027h ; RTI Control reg
WD_CNTL .set 07029h ; WD Control reg
PLL_CNTL1 .set 0702Bh ; PLL control reg 1
PLL_CNTL2 .set 0702Dh ; PLL control reg 2
;Analog-to-Digital Converter(ADC) registers - x240/1/2/3
ADC_CNTL1 .set 07032h ; ADC Control reg 1
ADC_CNTL2 .set 07034h ; ADC Control reg 2
ADC_FIFO1 .set 07036h ; ADC FIFO data reg 1
ADC_FIFO2 .set 07038h ; ADC FIFO data reg 2
ADCTRL1 .set 07032h ; ADC Control reg 1
ADCTRL2 .set 07034h ; ADC Control reg 2
ADCFIFO1 .set 07036h ; ADC FIFO data reg 1
ADCFIFO2 .set 07038h ; ADC FIFO data reg 2
; ADC Register declarations - x240x
ADCL_CNTL1 .set 070A0h ;ADC Control reg 1
ADCL_CNTL2 .set 070A1h ;ADC Control reg 2
MAXCONV .set 070A2h ;Maximum conversions in sequence
CHSELSEQ1 .set 070A3h ;Channel select fields: Results 3,2,1,0
CHSELSEQ2 .set 070A4h ;Channel select fields: Results 7,6,5,4
CHSELSEQ3 .set 070A5h ;Channel select fields: Results 11,10,9,8
CHSELSEQ4 .set 070A6h ;Channel select fields: Results 15,14,13,12
AUTO_SEQ_SR .set 070A7h ;Auto-sequence status Register
ADC_RESULT0 .set 070A8h ;Conversion result 0
ADC_RESULT1 .set 070A9h ;Conversion result 1
ADC_RESULT2 .set 070AAh ;Conversion result 2
ADC_RESULT3 .set 070ABh ;Conversion result 3
ADC_RESULT4 .set 070ACh ;Conversion result 4
ADC_RESULT5 .set 070ADh ;Conversion result 5
ADC_RESULT6 .set 070AEh ;Conversion result 6
ADC_RESULT7 .set 070AFh ;Conversion result 7
ADC_RESULT8 .set 070B0h ;Conversion result 8
ADC_RESULT9 .set 070B1h ;Conversion result 9
ADC_RESULT10 .set 070B2h ;Conversion result 10
ADC_RESULT11 .set 070B3h ;Conversion result 11
ADC_RESULT12 .set 070B4h ;Conversion result 12
ADC_RESULT13 .set 070B5h ;Conversion result 13
ADC_RESULT14 .set 070B6h ;Conversion result 14
ADC_RESULT15 .set 070B7h ;Conversion result 15
CALIBRATION .set 070B8h ;Calibration Register
;Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Registers
SPI_CCR .set 07040h ;SPI Config Control Reg 1
SPI_CTL .set 07041h ;SPI Operation Control Reg 2
SPI_STS .set 07042h ;SPI Status Reg
SPI_BRR .set 07044h ;SPI Baud rate control reg
SPI_EMU .set 07046h ;SPI Emulation buffer reg
SPI_BUF .set 07047h ;SPI Serial Input buffer reg
SPI_DAT .set 07049h ;SPI Serial Data reg
SPI_PC1 .set 0704Dh ;SPI Port control reg1
SPI_PC2 .set 0704Eh ;SPI Port control reg2
SPI_PRI .set 0704Fh ;SPI Priority control reg
;Serial Communications Interface (SCI) Registers
SCI_CCNTL .set 07050h ;SCI Comms Control Reg
SCI_CNTL1 .set 07051h ;SCI Control Reg 1
SCI_HBAUD .set 07052h ;SCI Baud rate control
SCI_LBAUD .set 07053h ;SCI Baud rate control
SCI_CNTL2 .set 07054h ;SCI Control Reg 2
SCI_RX_STAT .set 07055h ;SCI Receive status reg
SCI_RX_EMU .set 07056h ;SCI EMU data buffer
SCI_RX_BUF .set 07057h ;SCI Receive data buffer
SCI_TX_BUF .set 07059h ;SCI Transmit data buffer
SCI_PORT_C1 .set 0705Dh ;SCI Port control reg1
SCI_PORT_C2 .set 0705Eh ;SCI Port control reg2
SCI_PRI .set 0705Fh ;SCI Priority control reg
;Event Manager (EV)/Event Manager A (EVA) Registers
GPTCON .set 07400h ; General Timer Control
T1CNT .set 07401h ; T1 Counter
T1CMP .set 07402h ; T1 Compare Value
T1PR .set 07403h ; T1 Period
T1CON .set 07404h ; T1 Control
T2CNT .set 07405h ; T2 Counter
T2CMP .set 07406h ; T2 Compare Value
T2PR .set 07407h ; T2 Period
T2CON .set 07408h ; T2 Control
T3CNT .set 07409h ; T3 Counter (240 Only)
T3CMP .set 0740ah ; T3 Compare (240 Only)
T3PR .set 0740bh ; T3 Period (240 Only)
T3CON .set 0740ch ; T3 Control (240 Only)
COMCON .set 07411h ; Compare Control
ACTR .set 07413h ; Compare Output Action Control (240 Only)
SACTR .set 07414h ; S Comp Output Action Control (240 Only)
DBTCON .set 07415h ; Dead Band Control
CMPR1 .set 07417h ; Compare Value 1
CMPR2 .set 07418h ; Compare Value 2
CMPR3 .set 07419h ; Compare Value 3
SCMPR1 .set 0741ah ; S Comp Value 1 (240 Only)
SCMPR2 .set 0741bh ; S Comp Value 2 (240 Only)
SCMPR3 .set 0741ch ; S Comp Value 3 (240 Only)
CAPCON .set 07420h ; Capture Control
CAPCONA .set 07420h ; Capture Control
CAPFIFO .set 07422h ; Capture FIFO1-3/4 Status
FIFO1 .set 07423h ; Capture 1 FIFO Top
FIFO2 .set 07424h ; Capture 2 FIFO Top
FIFO3 .set 07425h ; Capture 3 FIFO Top
FIFO4 .set 07426h ; Capture 4 FIFO Top (240 Only)
FIFOBT1 .set 07427h ; Capture 1 FIFO Bottom (240x only)
FIFOBT2 .set 07428h ; Capture 2 FIFO Bottom (240x only)
FIFOBT3 .set 07429h ; Capture 3 FIFO Bottom (240x only)
IMRA .set 0742ch ; Group A Int Mask
IMRB .set 0742dh ; Group B Int Mask
IMRC .set 0742eh ; Group C Int Mask
EVIMRA .set 0742Ch ; Group A Int Mask
EVIMRB .set 0742Dh ; Group B Int Mask
EVIMRC .set 0742Eh ; Group C Int Mask
EVAIMRA .set 0742Ch ; Group A Int Mask
EVAIMRB .set 0742Dh ; Group B Int Mask
EVAIMRC .set 0742Eh ; Group C Int Mask
IFRA .set 0742fh ; Group A Int Flag
IFRB .set 07430h ; Group B Int Flag
IFRC .set 07431h ; Group C Int Flag
EVIFRA .set 0742Fh ; Group A Int Flag
EVIFRB .set 07430h ; Group B Int Flag
EVIFRC .set 07431h ; Group C Int Flag
EVAIFRA .set 0742Fh ; Group A Int Flag
EVAIFRB .set 07430h ; Group B Int Flag
EVAIFRC .set 07431h ; Group C Int Flag
IVRA .set 07432h ; Group A Int ID (x240 only)
IVRB .set 07433h ; Group B Int ID (x240 only)
IVRC .set 07434h ; Group C Int ID (x240 only)
EVIVRA .set 07432h ; Group A Int ID (x240 only)
EVIVRB .set 07433h ; Group B Int ID (x240 only)
EVIVRC .set 07434h ; Group C Int ID (x240 only)
;Event Manager B (EVB) Registers (240x Only)
GPTCONB .set 07500h ; General Timer Control
T3CNTB .set 07501h ; T1 Counter
T3CMPB .set 07502h ; T1 Comp Value
T3PERB .set 07503h ; T1 Period
T3CONB .set 07504h ; T1 Control
T4CNTB .set 07505h ; T2 Counter
T4CMPB .set 07506h ; T2 Comp Value
T4PERB .set 07507h ; T2 Period
T4CONB .set 07508h ; T2 Control
COMCONB .set 07511h ; Compare Control
ACTRB .set 07513h ; Compare Output Action Control
DBTCONB .set 07515h ; Dead Band Control
CMPR4B .set 07517h ; Comp Value 4
CMPR5B .set 07518h ; Comp Value 5
CMPR6B .set 07519h ; Comp Value 6
CAPCONB .set 07520h ; Capture Control
CAPFIFOB .set 07522h ; Capture FIFO4-6 Status
FIFO4B .set 07523h ; Capture 4 FIFO Top
FIFO5B .set 07524h ; Capture 5 FIFO Top
FIFO6B .set 07525h ; Capture 6 FIFO Top
FIFOBT4B .set 07527h ; Capture 4 FIFO Bottom
FIFOBT5B .set 07528h ; Capture 5 FIFO Bottom
FIFOBT6B .set 07529h ; Capture 6 FIFO Bottom
IMRAB .set 0752ch ; Group A Int Mask
IMRBB .set 0752dh ; Group B Int Mask
IMRCB .set 0752eh ; Group C Int Mask
EVBIMRA .set 0752ch ; Group A Int Mask
EVBIMRB .set 0752dh ; Group B Int Mask
EVBIMRC .set 0752eh ; Group C Int Mask
IFRAB .set 0752fh ; Group A Int Flag
IFRBB .set 07530h ; Group B Int Flag
IFRCB .set 07531h ; Group C Int Flag
EVBIFRA .set 0752fh ; Group A Int Flag
EVBIFRB .set 07530h ; Group B Int Flag
EVBIFRC .set 07531h ; Group C Int Flag
; Constant defines
B0_SADDR .set 00200h ;Block B0 start address
B0_EADDR .set 002FFh ;Block B0 end address
B1_SADDR .set 00300h ;Block B1 start address
B1_EADDR .set 003FFh ;Block B1 end address
B2_SADDR .set 00060h ;Block B2 start address
B2_EADDR .set 0007Fh ;Block B2 end address
;Bit codes for Test bit instruction (BIT)
BIT15 .set 0000h ;Bit Code for 15
BIT14 .set 0001h ;Bit Code for 14
BIT13 .set 0002h ;Bit Code for 13
BIT12 .set 0003h ;Bit Code for 12
BIT11 .set 0004h ;Bit Code for 11
BIT10 .set 0005h ;Bit Code for 10
BIT9 .set 0006h ;Bit Code for 9
BIT8 .set 0007h ;Bit Code for 8
BIT7 .set 0008h ;Bit Code for 7
BIT6 .set 0009h ;Bit Code for 6
BIT5 .set 000Ah ;Bit Code for 5
BIT4 .set 000Bh ;Bit Code for 4
BIT3 .set 000Ch ;Bit Code for 3
BIT2 .set 000Dh ;Bit Code for 2
BIT1 .set 000Eh ;Bit Code for 1
BIT0 .set 000Fh ;Bit Code for 0
; Used by the SBIT0 & SBIT1 Macro
B15_MSK .set 8000h ;Bit Mask for 15
B14_MSK .set 4000h ;Bit Mask for 14
B13_MSK .set 2000h ;Bit Mask for 13
B12_MSK .set 1000h ;Bit Mask for 12
B11_MSK .set 0800h ;Bit Mask for 11
B10_MSK .set 0400h ;Bit Mask for 10
B9_MSK .set 0200h ;Bit Mask for 9
B8_MSK .set 0100h ;Bit Mask for 8
B7_MSK .set 0080h ;Bit Mask for 7
B6_MSK .set 0040h ;Bit Mask for 6
B5_MSK .set 0020h ;Bit Mask for 5
B4_MSK .set 0010h ;Bit Mask for 4
B3_MSK .set 0008h ;Bit Mask for 3
B2_MSK .set 0004h ;Bit Mask for 2
B1_MSK .set 0002h ;Bit Mask for 1
B0_MSK .set 0001h ;Bit Mask for 0
;External Data Space Registers
EXTDATA .set 8000h
; M A C R O - Definitions
SBIT0 .macro DMA,MASK ; Clear bit Macro
SBIT1 .macro DMA,MASK ; Set bit Macro
KICK_DOG .macro ;Watchdog reset macro
SPLK #05555h,WD_KEY
POINT_PG0 .macro
LDP #00h
POINT_B0 .macro
LDP #04h
POINT_PF1 .macro
LDP #0E0h
POINT_PF2 .macro
LDP #0E1h
POINT_EV .macro
LDP #0E8h
wd_rst_1 .set 055h ; watchdog timer reset string
wd_rst_2 .set 0aah ; watchdog timer reset string
关键词: TI2000 系列 文件 可直接 调用 Contr
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