Digital Signal processing technology is enabling cost effective and energy efficient control system design. The performance of a DSP architecture allows an intelligent approach to reduce the complete system costs of digital motion control applications using cheaper electrical motors, fewer sensors, and smaller sizes of EMI filters. To provide also a cost optimal solution Texas Instruments (TI(TM)) developed a single chip solution combining the features of a Microcontroller and the performance advantages of a DSP core. This new - so called "DSP-Controller" delivers the real-time MIPS and the tightly integrated peripherals to implement optimal control algorithms with no cost penalty. This paper deals with an overview of DSP solutions in digital motor control applications whereby the focus will be the new DSP-Controller and its applications. This document was part of the first European DSP Education and Research Conference that took place September 26 and 27, 1996 in Paris. For information on how TI encourages students from around the world to find innovative ways to use DSPs, see TI's World Wide Web site at www.ti.com.
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