谁能帮帮我? 我在VxWorks中加载CF卡(当作ATA使用),它作为IDE1的主盘,但在启动以后出现下面的报警: Attaching to ATA disk device... done. Loading /ata0 VxWorks...2450384 Starting at 0x308000...
WARNING: Failed to create 131072 bytes of disk cache ATA disk /ata0a configured without cache Error creating partition manager: 850001 RTL8139 irq=43 RTL8139: vector = 344
Attached TCP/IP interface to rtl unit 0 Attaching interface lo0...done
Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc.
CPU: PC PENTIUM Runtime Name: VxWorks Runtime Version: 5.5.1 BSP version: 1.2/3 Created: May 18 2005, 16:13:53 WDB Comm Type: WDB_COMM_END WDB: Ready.
0x77ffe44 (tRootTask): cbioWrapBlkDev: BLK_DEV pointer 0x077b454c appears invalid. 0x77ffe44 (tRootTask): cbioWrapBlkDev: BLK_DEV pointer 0x077b454c appears invalid. 0x77ffe44 (tRootTask): cbioWrapBlkDev: BLK_DEV pointer 0x00000000 appears invalid.
为什么会出现下面的警告???? 1. WARNING: Failed to create 131072 bytes of disk cache ATA disk /ata0a configured without cache Error creating partition manager: 850001 ???????? 2. 0x77ffe44 (tRootTask): cbioWrapBlkDev: BLK_DEV pointer 0x077b454c appears invalid. 0x77ffe44 (tRootTask): cbioWrapBlkDev: BLK_DEV pointer 0x077b454c appears invalid. 0x77ffe44 (tRootTask): cbioWrapBlkDev: BLK_DEV pointer 0x00000000 appears invalid. ????????