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Building Boot ROM images in Tornado 2.0

2002-07-28 18:26:32     打赏
Building Boot ROM images in Tornado 2.0 DESCRIPTION: There is no provision in the project tool for building boot ROMs. RESOLUTION: There are two ways to build boot ROMS. In both cases we suggest copying your bsp located in target/config/bsp-name to another directory such as target/config/bsp-name_boot. This will allow you to preserve the original BSP. For the purposes of this summary I have copied the mv2700 bsp to target/config/mv2700_boot. You will have to configure your BSP by hand in the same way you did in Tornado 1.0.1. Configuration changes in your project will not affect the bsp. However, if you do not make a copy of the bsp directory and make your changes to it, then all subsequent projects based upon this bsp will have these changes reflected in them. To build from GUI: From the menu select Build->Build Boot ROM. A dialog box named 'Build Boot ROM' will appear with two select boxes in it. In the 'Select a BSP' box, select mv2700_boot. In the 'Select an Image to build' box, select bootrom or whatever image you are trying to build. Click OK. You will now see the build process begin. Note: Unlike a build of vxWorks image in the project tool where your object module will be located in target/proj/project-name/build-name/, a build of a boot ROM from this menu will be located in /target/config/bsp-name. In the example for this summary, the file was target/config/mv2700_boot/bootrom. To build from command line: Open an msDos window. Change directories into host/x86-win32/bin and run torVars.bat G:\Tornado2_PPC\host\x86-win32\bin>torVars G:\Tornado2_PPC\host\x86-win32\bin>rem Command line build environments G:\Tornado2_PPC\host\x86-win32\bin>set WIND_HOST_TYPE=x86-win32 G:\Tornado2_PPC\host\x86-win32\bin>set WIND_BASE=G:\Tornado2_PPC G:\Tornado2_PPC\host\x86-win32\bin>set PATH=G:\Tornado2_PPC\host\x86-win32\bin;D :\WINNT\system32;D:\WINNT;c:\diab\4.1a\win32\bin;C:\atria\bin;C:\Program Files\V antive7.0 G:\Tornado2_PPC\host\x86-win32\bin> Change directories to your bsp and type make bootrom.

关键词: Building     images     Tornado    

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