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DSP/BIOS 也是一个Rtos,不过针对性强点
DSP/BIOS II is Texas Instruments real time embedded kernel for the TMS320C5000™
and TMS320C6000™ Digital Signal Processors (DSP). Understanding how to build
applications using DSP/BIOS II requires adopting a multi-threaded design paradigm that
at first seems foreign for new users of DSPs and veteran DSP developers alike.
However, once understood, designing DSP/BIOS II applications becomes straightforward
and you will find developing applications easier to design, debug, maintain, and extend. A
real-time kernel such as DSP/BIOS II helps to factor the problem and facilitate a robust
design that is easily maintainable.
Traditionally, DSP applications were very simple, typically using a single program loop to
manage the required processing. Over time, DSP applications began to require
concurrent processing, as applications demanded the DSP to perform more functions.
Applications now typically require the DSP to do several things at once and at different
rates. In addition, DSP applications typically change over time requiring support for
additional or modified features. Building modern DSP applications using traditional
program loop paradigms is very challenging, difficult to maintain, and even more difficult
to extend. Using the DSP/BIOS II real time kernel offers developers the foundation to
build modern applications from simple to complex multi-threaded and multi-rate
Building modern DSP applications requires adopting a design paradigm, which includes
preemptive, event-driven multi-threaded. This requires understanding how to architect
applications using one or more execution threads rather than processing loops.
DSP/BIOS II provides three distinct classes of execution threads with different execution,
preemption, and suspension characteristics to build applications on. In support of these
threads are several additional kernel objects that provide device-independent I/O, interthread
communication and synchronization, and other real time services.
This paper addresses how to get started building DSP applications using DSP/BIOS II.
The primary focus is to understand the multi-threaded design approach using DSP/BIOS
II components. This includes organizing and structuring an application around DSP/BIOS
II execution threads.
关键词: 也是 一个 不过 针对性强 application
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