autobuffering receiver halt (HALTR) bit: A bit field that halts the autobuffering unit (ABU) when the boundaries of the buffer are crossed. At reset,HALTR = 0. This bit is stored in the buffered serial port (BSP) control extension register (SPCE).
autobuffering transmitter enable (BXE) bit: A bit field that enables/disables the autobuffering transmitter. At reset, BXE = 0. This bit is stored in the buffered serial port (BSP) control extension register (SPCE).
autobuffering transmitter halt (HALTX) bit: A bit field that halts the autobuffering unit (ABU) when the boundaries of the buffer are crossed. At reset, HALTX = 0. This bit is stored in the buffered serial port (BSP) control extension register (SPCE).
autobuffering unit (ABU): An on-chip module that allows the buffered serial port interface to read or write directly to internal memory independently of the central processing unit (CPU). Autobuffering capability can be separately enabled for transmit and receive sections. When autobuffering is disabled, the operation is similar to that of the standard serial port.
autocalibration: Automatic adjustment of a device so that the output is within a specific range for particular values of the input.
autoexec.bat: A batch file that contains DOS commands for initializing a PC.
autoinitialization: The process of initializing global C variables (contained in the .cinit section) before program execution begins.
autoinitialization at load time: An autoinitialization method used by the linker when linking C code. The linker uses this method when you invoke the linker with the –cr option. This method initializes variables at load time instead of runtime.
autoinitialization at runtime: An autoinitialization method used by the linker when linking C code. The linker uses this method when you invoke the linker with the –c option. The linker loads the .cinit section of data tables into memory, and variables are initialized at runtime.
auto mode: A context-sensitive debugging mode that automatically switches between showing assembly language code in the DISASSEMBLY window and C code in the FILE window, depending on what type of code is currently running.
auxiliary entry: The extra entry that a symbol may have in the symbol table which contains additional information about the symbol (whether it is a filename, a section name, a function name, etc.).
auxiliary register: A register that is used as a pointer to an address within the data-space address range. The register is operated on by the auxiliary register arithmetic unit (ARAU) and is selected by the auxiliary regis-
ter pointer (ARP).
auxiliary register arithmetic unit (ARAU): An arithmetic unit used to increment, decrement, or compare the contents of the auxiliary registers. Its primary function is manipulating auxiliary register values for indirect ad-dressing.
auxiliary register buffer (ARB) bits: A field that holds the previous value contained in the auxiliary register pointer (ARP). These bits are stored in status register 1.
auxiliary register compare register (ARCR): A memory-mapped register used as a limit to compare indirect addresses.
auxiliary register file bus (AFB): The bus on which the currently selected auxiliary register (AR) addresses the data memory location.
auxiliary register pointer (ARP): A field that selects the auxiliary register (AR) to use in indirect addressing. When the ARP is loaded, the previous ARP value is copied to the auxiliary register buffer (ARB). The ARP can be modified by memory-reference instructions when using indirect addressing, and by the MAR and LST instructions. These bits are stored in status register 0. (TMS320C5x, TMS320C54x)
auxiliary register pointer buffer (ARB): A field in the status register that holds the previous value of the auxiliary register pointer (ARP).
AVIS: See address visibility (AVIS) bit.
AXR: See BSP address transmit register.
AXSR: See asynchronous serial port transmit shift register.
B0: An on-chip block of dual-access RAM that can be configured as either data memory or program memory, depending on the value of the configuration control (CNF) bit in status register.
B1: An on-chip block of dual-access RAM available for data memory.
B2: An on-chip block of dual-access RAM available for data memory.
back porch: The interval of the video waveform between the end of synchronization and the corresponding blanking pulse. The horizontal back porch is specified as an integral number of frame clock (FCLK) periods;
the vertical back porch is specified as an integral number of lines (halflines for interlaced mode). See also front porch.
barrel rotator: A device that rotates the position of bits within a data word.
It is similar to a barrel shifter except that bits shifted out are wrapped around to the vacated bits.
barrel shifter: A unit that rotates bits in a word. See also POSTSCALER and PRESCALER.
base: 1) A reference value. 2) A number that is multiplied by itself as many times as indicated by an exponent.
base set ALUs: The parallel processor’s fundamental set of arithmetic logic unit (ALU) operations, which includes Boolean as well as mixed arithmetic and Boolean functions.
base set arithmetics: The fundamental set of parallel processor instructions that specify an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) arithmetic operation in the opcode. This set of instructions includes eleven class-inde-pendent arithmetic operations and six class-specific arithmetic operations.
base set Booleans: The fundamental set of parallel processor instructions that specify an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) Boolean operation in the op-code. This set of instructions includes the 256 possible Boolean functions.
batch file: One of two different types of files. One type contains DOS commands for the PC to execute. A second type of batch file contains debugger commands for the debugger to execute. The PC does not execute
debugger batch files, and the debugger does not execute PC batch files.
baud-rate divisor register (BRD): A register for the asynchronous serial port that is used to set the serial port’s baud rate.
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