1. HWA(HW architecture) Concept Engineer:
Job Description:
* Performance research in the area of mobile communication -> 从事移动通信相关的的研究工作
* Take responsibility for defining detailed implementation specification based on feature requirement for implementation team -〉根据系统需求定义具体的实现规范
* Take responsibility for defining hardware architecture of platform -> 定义平台的硬件构架
* Take responsibility for defining hardware interfaces and system resources according to performance requirements -> 根据性能需求定义系统的资源配置以及互连接口
* Take responsibility for defining architecture of IC e.g. bus structure, clock and reset scheme, power consumption calculation and packaging -> 芯片总线结构,时钟复位信号的定义,功耗的计算 以及封装等
* System level modeling and reference data generation for verification -〉系统级建模同时为验证提供测试向量
* Take responsibility for verification objective review -〉验证目标定义
* Take responsibility for defining use case of block -〉具体模块的实际使用例定义
* Tracking and participating in standardization process -〉跟踪或者介入无线通信系统的标准化过程
* Ph.D or Master Degree on Electronics Engineering/Communication/Microelectronics or relevant. -〉通信信息系统,微电子,电子或其他相关专业博士或者硕士研究生
* Good knowledge of wireless communication system standard -〉熟悉无线通信标准
* Good knowledge of mobile platform architecture and development ->熟悉移动通信平台的构架和设计实现
* Good knowledge of mobile connectivity standards like Bluetooth, NFC,MIPI, USB, FMR and GPS -> 熟悉移动平台常用的互连的标准如蓝牙,近场通信,MIPI, USB, 调频收音机和GPS
* Good communication skill and good team work -〉很强的沟通能力。具有良好的合作精神。
* Experienced in VHDL /Verilog coding is preferred. -〉有VHDL/Verilog开发经验
2. MOD(Modem) Concept Engineer:
Job Description:
* Perform Research in the area of wireless communication mainly focusing on 3G, 4G and LTE -> 从事3G, 4G以及LTE相关的研究工作
* Take responsibility for defining detailed implementation specification based on feature requirement for implementation team -〉根据系统需求定义具体的实现规范
* Take responsibility for software and hardware partition for 3G transceiver -> 3G 通信系统实现中软硬件的划分
* Take responsibility for defining detailed implementation specification of blocks for 3G transceiver -> 定义3G 收发中模块的具体实现规范
* Take responsibility for defining hardware interfaces and system resources according to performance requirements -> 根据性能需求定义系统的资源配置以及互连接口
* System level modeling and reference data generation for verification-〉系统级建模同时为验证提供测试向量
* Take responsibility for verification objective review -〉验证目标定义
* Take responsibility for defining use case of block -〉具体模块的实际使用例定义
* Tracking and participating in standardization process -〉跟踪或者介入无线通信系统的标准化过程
* Ph.D or Master Degree on Electronics Engineering/Communication/Microelectronics or relevant. -〉通信信息系统,微电子,电子或其他相关专业博士或者硕士研究生
* Good knowledge of wireless communication system standard, prefer experience in 3G -〉熟悉3G的通信标准
* Good knowledge of digital signal processing -〉数字信号处理相关经验
* Good understanding of modulation and demodulation algorithms for wireless communication -〉无线通信的调制解调的研发经验
* Good communication skill and good team work -〉很强的沟通能力。具有良好的合作精神。
* Good knowledge of MATLAB, CoCentric and SystemC is preferred -〉熟悉Matlab, CoCentric以及SystemC
* Experienced in VHDL /Verilog coding is preferred. -〉有VHDL/Verilog开发经验
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