绪论 从事过在PC上添加调制解调器或者网卡的人都知道:这项工作的进程中可能会出现一些预想不到的后果、所用时间可能比预期的要长。为了降低大批量生产的成本,在设计中要使内插电路板在逻辑上与绝大多数来自不同供应商的母板兼容。这种灵活性要求电路板在实际运行之前有必要针对其操作环境进行配置。实施配置需要两方面的信息:一是电路板所要嵌入的系统的全部信息;二是有关电路板本身的一些信息。一旦确定了适当的设置,就要设置电路板上的跳线或开关状态。这样就完成了硬件安装过程中的棘手工作。
- 它必须能够被唯一识别。
- 它必须声明所提供的服务以及所需资源。
- 它必须能够识别支持它的软件驱动程序。
- 它必须允许软件对其进行设置。
器件工艺 用于印刷电路板标识的1-Wire芯片必须能在不加电的情况下保持存储的数据。因此,器件只能采用非易失(NV)工艺制造,如ROM、EEPROM和EPROM (表1)。在塑料封装中不加窗口或安装晶片级封装的芯片时将有源面朝着电路板安装,将EPROM芯片转变成一次性编程(OTP)的存储器。
表1. 用于电路板标识的1-Wire器件
Part # | Technology | Memory | Appl. Type | Voltage | Packages | Extras |
DS2401 | ROM | 64 bits | Minimalist | 2.8V to 5.5V | Plastic, CSP | ----- |
DS2430A* | EEPROM | 32 + 8 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.5V | Plastic, CSP | 8 bytes OTP |
DS2431 | EEPROM | 128 + 7 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.25V | Plastic, CSP | Write protection |
DS2432 | EEPROM | 128 + 16 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.5V | Plastic, CSP | Challenge & response |
DS28E01 | EEPROM | 128 + 17 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.25V | Plastic | Challenge & response |
DS2433 | EEPROM | 512 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.5V | Plastic, CSP | ----- |
DS28EC20 | EEPROM | 2560 + 16 bytes | Nameplate | 3.14V to 5.25V | Plastic | Write protection |
DS2406 | OTP EPROM | 128 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.5V, 12V write | Plastic, CSP | 2 controlled I/O pins |
DS2502 | OTP EPROM | 128 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.5V, 12V write | Plastic, CSP | Write protection |
DS2505 | OTP EPROM | 2048 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.5V, 12V write | Plastic | Write protection |
DS2506* | OTP EPROM | 8192 bytes | Nameplate | 2.8V to 5.5V, 12V write | Plastic | Write protection |
电路板标识概述 如表1中Appl. Type一列所示,标识印刷电路板有两种方式。最小系统的方法是基于采用ROM工艺制造的器件;标示牌的方法需要用户可编程的NV存储器,用它来存储相关的PnP信息。表2说明了以上两种方式的标识选择。以1开头的参考号码表示最小系统方案;标示牌方案包括采用EEPROM制造工艺(参考号码以2开头)和采用OTP EPROM制造工艺(参考号码以3开头)的器件。每组中,字母A代表通用型、已上市器件;字母B表示带有定制ROM的器件,关于ROM定制的详细资料,可参阅最小系统方案部分;字母C表示带保护的EEPROM (2C)。欲获得更多的详细资料,请参考标示牌方案部分。
普通的加密方法(例如,密码块链)依靠一个密钥(“保密的”)和初始化向量来实现。将存储器芯片的唯一ROM注册号嵌入初始化向量中,确保同样的数据源对每个单独的器件看起来是不同的。该方法中,如果把数据从一个芯片复制到另一个芯片,那么复制数据在应用中将无法工作。有关加密算法的详细资料及软件可在互联网上查到,例如标准与技术国家协会网站(English only)。
表2. 标识选择概述
Reference | |||||||
1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 2C | 3A | 3B | |
Approach | Minimalist | Minimalist | Nameplate | Nameplate | Nameplate | Nameplate | Nameplate |
Identification | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Cloning Protection | No | Yes | With encryption | Yes | Yes | With encryption | Yes |
Plug & Play | No | Limited | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Automation | Low | Medium | High | High | High | High | High |
Min. Order | N/A | > 10k parts | N/A | > 10k parts | N/A | N/A | > 10k parts |
Typical Volume | Any | > 100k p.a. | Any | > 100k p.a. | Any | Any | > 100k p.a. |
最小系统方案 标识电路板(1A)费用最低的方案是利用通用型(非定制) DS2401硅序列号,通过一个中心数据库将1-Wire芯片的ROM注册号与每块电路板关联起来。由于缺少用户可编程存储器,所以此方法不支持PnP功能。
1A | Generic Device |
Method | Database lookup based on registration number. |
Precondition | Database that uses registration number as key to access detailed product information. |
Administration | Enter registration number of every board into database and associate (reference to) detailed product information. |
Cloning Protection | None |
Advantages | Lowest chip cost. |
Disadvantages | Database automation is limited to the tester reading the registration numbers of a batch of boards and then transmitting them as a list to the database; the association to the product information is created manually. Requires access to (remote) database to read a board's detailed information. |
1B | Customized Device |
Method | Database lookup based on registration number. Board types or board versions are distinguished by different codes in the customer-specified section (subfield) of the registration number. |
Precondition | Database that uses registration number as key to access detailed product information. |
Administration | Enter registration number of every board into database and associate (reference to) detailed product information. A portion of the product information can automatically be identified by the content of the customer-specified bits (subfield). |
Cloning Protection | Yes |
Advantages | The chip is less costly than memory chips for the nameplate approach. Less prone to human error, provided that the right chip is mounted on the board. If different products or product versions require different test programs, the name of test program can be used to verify that the right chip was mounted on the board. |
Disadvantages | Database automation is limited to the tester reading the registration numbers of a batch of boards and then transmitting them as a list together with test program name to the database. Requires access to (remote) database to read a board's detailed information. Logistics for stocking and using different customized chips. |

图1. 通用和定制ROM注册号
选项A:每个子字段值有2.68 亿个序列号。
示例 通用型DS2401
示例的注册号以十六进制表示:A3 00 00 00 00 D4 92 01

定制的DS2401,用户ID 123h,选项 A,子字段内容ABh
示例注册号以十六进制表示:E5 12 3A B0 00 56 1D 81
标示牌方案 所有适合标示牌方案的器件均带有用户可编程NV存储器,并用它来存储PnP的相关信息。标示牌方案的基本要求是列出使PnP发挥作用的数据条目、定义一个能识别每项数据条目的方法并确定表示每项数据条目值(数字、逻辑或文本)的格式。为节省空间,格式可能针对特殊应用定制;也可以利用某种工业标准,这或许占用较大空间、如XML (可扩展的标记语言)格式。假如数据条目能被标识并选定了一种格式,就能够将这些数据添加到列表中。数据条目就能按一定顺序逐一存储到电路板标识芯片的存储器中。换句话说,数据可以嵌入到开始的一个字节长度和结尾的CRC校验码之间,并将其存为一个数据文件。有关用于1-Wire器件文件格式的更多信息参见应用笔记114:"1-Wire File Structure"。
适合标示牌方案的存储器芯片的制造工艺有两种:EEPROM和OTP-EPROM。任何一种工艺中都有通用芯片(EEPROM对应为2A、EPROM对应为3A)和ROM定制芯片(对应于2B和3B)。ROM定制与最小系统方案(参见图1)中的描述相同,并具有相同的约束和申请过程 。
带有保护的EEPROM (2C)是由用户定制的,它在器件内安装了一个8字节的密钥。一旦安装完毕,该密钥—与密码不同—将从不暴露在1-Wire总线上。向受保护的EEPROM写入信息时,主机需要发送一个160位的信息认证码,认证码由密钥和其它数据计算得到。在读取EEPROM时,器件也生成一个认证码,使主机能够验证芯片是否在从不暴露自身密钥的前提下知道正确的密钥。关于带有保护的EEPROM特殊用法的详细信息,请参见应用笔记3675:“保护您的研发成果—双向认证及软件功能保护”。
用于标示牌方案(2A、2B)的最小EEPROM芯片是DS2430A。此芯片有一特性:除了一个32字节的可重复编程存储器外,它还有一个8字节的一次性编程寄存器。DS2431、DS2433和DS28EC20分别为4页、16页和80页,每页32字节。DS2431和DS28EC20支持写保护和OTP-EPROM仿真。DS2432和DS28E01带有保护的EEPROM器件(2C)能存储128字节(每页32字节,共4页)的应用数据和8字节的密钥,并有多个寄存器用于控制操作。采用EPROM工艺(3A、3B)的器件有四种类型:DS2502 (128字节)、DS2505 (2048字节)、DS2506 (8192字节)和DS2406 (128字节)。所有这些器件均按照32字节的存储页面构成。除存储器外,DS2406还有两个通过软件控制用作开漏输出(激励器)或数字输入(检测器)的引脚。
2A | Generic Device |
Method | User-programmable memory chip stores relevant PnP data on the circuit board. Optional: Database lookup based on registration number for additional data. |
Precondition | Definition of PnP data, additional data (as desired), data representation, and formatting. Board tester that programs memory chip at final test. Optional: Database to access additional product information. |
Administration | Ensure that the board tester uses the correct software. Optional: Create link between tester and database to store board registration number, copy of chip data, and board test results. |
Cloning Protection | No, unless data is encrypted. |
Advantages | Highly automated database. If the memory chip was programmed with incorrect data, it can be reprogrammed. |
Disadvantages | More costly than minimalist approach. Unless encrypted or write protected, data is not safe from unauthorized changes. |
2B | Customized Device |
Method | (Same as 2A) |
Precondition | (Same as 2A) |
Administration | (Same as 2A) |
Cloning Protection | Yes, encryption is optional. |
Advantages | (Same as 2A) |
Disadvantages | More costly than generic device. Unless encrypted or write protected, data is not safe from unauthorized changes. |
2C | Protected Device (Customization by User) |
Method | (Same as 2A) |
Precondition | Board tester, which at final test installs a secret in the memory chip and programs it with the desired data. (Otherwise same as 2A) |
Administration | Ensure that the board tester uses the correct software and the correct secret. (Otherwise same as 2A) |
Cloning Protection | Yes, encryption is optional. |
Advantages | Data can be read but not altered without knowing the secret. The secret can be write-protected. (Otherwise same as 2A) |
Disadvantages | More costly than minimalist approach. |
标示牌方案—OTP EPROM—对照表
3A | Generic Device |
Method | (Same as 2A) |
Precondition | Board tester with 12V capability that programs memory chip at final test. (Otherwise same as 2A) |
Administration | (Same as 2A) |
Cloning Protection | No, unless data is encrypted. |
Advantages | Highly automated database. If the memory chip was programmed with incorrect data, incorrect data can be invalidated and new data can be written to an unused memory section (if available). Data can be write-protected in blocks of 32 bytes. |
Disadvantages | More costly than minimalist approach. Requires 12V for writing to the memory chip. |
3B | Customized Device |
Method | (Same as 2A) |
Precondition | (Same as 3A) |
Administration | (Same as 2A) |
Cloning Protection | Yes, encryption is optional. |
Advantages | (Same as 3A) |
Disadvantages | More costly than generic device. Requires 12V for writing to the memory chip. |