1-Wire® Drivers Installation Guide for Windows
关键词: 1-Wire, 1-Wire Drivers, OneWire, OneWire Drivers, 1-Wire Drivers Installation, Driver Installation, iButton, API, software, software distribution, examples, TMEX, RTE, iButton TMEX RTE, 1wire
Abstract: The software application developer has two options for installing 1-Wire device drivers on Microsoft® Windows® 32- and 64-bit platforms (Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista®, and Windows XP® service pack 2 or greater). The first option uses Maxim's 1-Wire Drivers installation program; the second option is to develop a custom installation program. This application note discusses the installation process for 1-Wire drivers. It explains which drivers and dlls go with which 1-Wire port adapter (USB, serial port, and parallel port). It also lists the subdirectory to which each dll and driver must be copied and the appropriate registry keys that need to be created. This white paper also covers the installation of both the TMEX API and the 1-Wire API for .NET.
1-Wire® Drivers Installation Guide for Windows.pdf
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