Many electronic subsystems, such as VFD (vacuum fluorescent display), TFT-LCD, GPS or DSL applications, require more than just a simple step-down or step-up DC/DC converter. They may require inverting, noninverting converters or both. Designers usually resort to different regulator ICs to control various polarity outputs, thus increasing the inventory list. The LT®3580 solves this problem by controlling either positive or negative outputs using the same feedback configuration. It contains an integrated 2A, 42V switch and packs many popular features such as soft-start, adjustable frequency, synchronization and a wide input range into a small footprint. The LT3580 comes in an 8-pin 3mm ×3mm DFN or MSOP packages and can be used in multiple configurations such as boost, SEPIC, flyback and Cuk topologies
Single Resistor Sets Positive or Negative Output.pdf.
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