本设计指南详细介绍了如何利用凌阳的SPCP825A USB 微控制器和安华高科技的ADNS-6000光学传感器设计有经济效益的USB光电鼠标。文档最先介绍了鼠标的外设的基本操作然后介绍了凌阳的SPCP825A USB 微控制器和安华高科技的ADNS-6000光学导航传感器。在附录A(电路原理图)中详细描述了凌阳的SPCP825A USB 微控制器如何控制ADNS-6000光电鼠标传感器。软件部分介绍了实现USB鼠标功能的固件架构。
This design guide describes how a costeffective USB optical mouse can be built using the Sunplus, SPCP825A USB microcontroller and the Avago Technologies ADNS-6000 optical sensor. The document starts with the basic operations of a computer mouse peripheral followed by an introduction to the Sunplus SPCP825A USB microcontroller and the Avago
Technologies ADNS-6000 Optical Navigation Sensor. A schematic of the Sunplus SPCP825A USB microcontroller to the ADNS-6000 optical sensor and buttons of a standard mouse can be found in Appendix A.The software section of this application note describes the architecture of the firmware required to implement the USB mouse functions.
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