Understanding Integrating ADCs
关键词: ADCs, integrating, multi-slope, multislope, LCD drivers, LED driver, display drivers, analog to digital conversions, analog digital, analog to digital converters
Abstract: Integrating analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) provide high resolution analog-to-digital conversions, with good noise rejection. These ADCs are ideal for digitizing low bandwidth signals, and are used in applications such as digital multi-meters and panel meters. They often include LCD or LED drivers and can be used stand alone without a microcontroller host. The following article explains how integrating ADCs work. Discussions include single-, dual- and multi-slope conversions. Also, an in-depth analysis of the integrating architecture will be discussed. Finally a comparisons against other ADC architectures will aid in the understanding and selection of integrating ADCs.
Understanding Integrating ADCs.pdf
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