Reduce the Chances of Human Error: Part 2, Super Amps and Filters for Analog Interface
关键词: digital potentiometer, low pass filter, filter, low-pass filter, lowpass filte, anti aliasing, sampled data system, folded, Nyquist, data converters, spectrum, harmonics, FFT, ADC, convolution, DAC, op amps, RC, LC, Butterworth
Abstract: A common view holds that digital circuits just work naturally, but analog circuits are hard to implement. There is truth to that old belief—analog interface is an expert subject that requires training. It is, moreover, always better to avoid an issue than to try to solve it later. This is precisely why we should take advantage of some basic concepts that experienced analog engineers perform as a reflex. This application note provides some basic reminders and concepts about amplifiers and filters for you to consider during a design.
Reduce the Chances of Human Error:Part 2, Super Amps and Filters for Analog Interface.pdf
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Reduce the Chances of Human Error: Part 2, Super Amps and Filters for Analog Int
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