【应用手册】AN 597: Getting Started Flow for Board Designs
This application note provides an overview of the Altera® FPGA design flow.
In many system designs, the typical design flow begins with a Marketing
Requirements Document (MRD) that specifies both the high-level business
justifications and the technical requirements of the product to be developed. After
the document is approved, the responsible engineering team uses it to produce a
more detailed technical Product Requirements Document (PRD). The PRD typically
specifies the architectural implementation of the product and may even specify
certain key components required in the design implementation. Detailed design
specifications are generated by the design engineers from this PRD.
An FPGA is a key component that is frequently used in complex system designs
because of itsprogrammablenatureandintegrated high-speed transceivers.Because
of this flexibility, FPGAs have become central to the system, allowing designers to
easily bridge different technologies and drive high-speed backplanes. However,
because of its flexible nature, designing with FPGAs can also present a challenge if
the designer is not fully familiar with the FPGA design process. This document
presents a quick overview of the Altera FPGA board design flow and provides links
to relevant additional information to ensure a successful and robust FPGA
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