电子产品世界 » 论坛首页 » 嵌入式开发 » FPGA » 【应用笔记】AN423:配置MicroBlaster被动串行软件驱动(AN423

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【应用笔记】AN423:配置MicroBlaster被动串行软件驱动(AN423: Configuring the MicroBlaster Passive S

2012-05-19 17:02:42     打赏
【应用笔记】AN423:配置MicroBlaster被动串行软件驱动(AN423: Configuring the MicroBlaster Passive Serial Software Driver)
MicroBlaster软件驱动通过ByteBlaster II和ByteBlasterMV下载线以被动串行(PS)模式为嵌入式配置,来配置Altera可编程逻辑器件(PLD)。
The MicroBlasterTM software driver configures Altera® programmable logic devices
(PLDs) in passive serial (PS) mode for embedded configurations through the
ByteBlasterTM II and ByteBlasterMVTM download cables. You can customize the
modular source code’s I/O control routines (provided as separate files) for your
system. The MicroBlaster software driver is an embedded configuration driver that
supports the Raw Binary File (.rbf) format generated by the Quartus® II software.an423.pdf

关键词: 应用     笔记     AN423     配置     MicroBlast    

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