【应用笔记】Cyclone II快速傅里叶变换协处理器参考设计(Cyclone II FFT Co-Processor Reference Design)
本篇快速傅里叶变换(fast Fourier transform,FFT)协处理器参考设计,演示了使用一片Altera的FPGA作为德州仪器(TI)公司的可编程数字信号处理器TMS320C6000系列的高性能数字信号处理(DSP)协处理器。
The fast Fourier transform (FFT) co-processor reference design
demonstrates the use of an Altera® FPGA as a high-performance digital
signal processing (DSP) co-processor to the Texas Instruments (TI)
TMS320C6000 family of programmable digital signal processors. The
reference design uses the Spectrum Digital DSP Starter Kit (DSK) for the
TMS320C6416, Revision E, which features the TI TMS320C6416 digital
signal processor, and the DSP Development Kit, Cyclone II Edition, which
features the EP2C35 FPGA. The hardware interface is a connection
between the TMS320C6416 processor’s External Memory Interface
(EMIF) and the first-in first-out (FIFO) buffers on the FPGA.an375.pdf
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【应用笔记】Cyclone II快速傅里叶变换协处理器参考设计(Cyclone II FFT Co-Processor Reference Design)
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