【应用笔记】汽车电子图形控制器系统参考设计(Automotive Graphics System Reference Design)
Altera的汽车电子图形控制器系统参考设计演示了Altera的Cyclone FPGA在汽车行业中的图形系统的角色。
The Altera? Automotive Graphics System Reference Design
demonstrates Altera Cyclone? FPGAs in a graphics system targeted at the
automotive sector. The reference design runs on a Nios development
board, Cyclone edition with a Lancelot VGA video controller and has the
following features:
■ SDRAM program store and frame buffer
■ Video input with clipping, color space conversion, and horizontal
and vertical scaling
■ LCD controller supporting 5-layer display, picture-in-picture
■ Fits on a Cyclone 1C12 device
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